I think when you have kids, it definitely makes you look at things from a different perspective, but I think that the biggest thing it's done is it's made me look at things from a different perspective from a professional standpoint in how you analyze things and how you look at things and how you react to things.

I don't know why we have this flair for having dramatic finishes, but we've definitely had a few through the years.

I have been around this long enough to know that there are no givens in this particular sport. There are too many things that can go wrong. There are too many things that can change.

I like competition. For me, it is fun.

I've been fortunate enough to have won a lot of races and do a lot of things in my career.

I have never driven an IndyCar, but based on everything I've heard, the characteristics and how you drive them are 180 degrees different.

Chase Elliott winning is better for our sport.

I've been on the side of it where you have bad luck and slow cars.

I've been a part of this before, where you think the racing gods are against you, then next thing you know, you can't do anything wrong. You're winning races and doing things you feel like you shouldn't have done that particular day. It all comes full circle in this sport. It has a funny way of doing it.

That's your goal every week: to put yourself in contention. There's a lot of circumstances and a lot of things that have to play out for that to happen.

Even if you only have 30- or 40,000 people in the grandstands, if you put on a good event for TV and do the things that it takes to have a unique event, that is really what people want. They want unique things.

You can beat a dead horse as much as you want, but it doesn't come back to life. And sometimes you just have to change things up to keep the excitement and enthusiasm in the sport.

In my opinion, the most stagnant thing in our sport is our schedule and our venues that we go to.

I think some of that comes with age, with life in general, to try to keep yourself as healthy as possible.

I'm one of those guys that gets bored with things pretty fast, so I've got to keep it mixed up.

One thing I can't stand is when people - not our team, but other people - don't respond. Everybody can email, everybody can text... using an email auto-response is not the world we live in.

When you look at how the sports world is changing, you have to figure out how to become different than everyone else.

There's no bigger thrill than beating the guy you're not supposed to beat or winning a race you're not supposed to win.

There were some struggles throughout the year at RCR. In order to keep yourself relevant, you had to find a headline. In order to find a headline, you had to do something that wasn't right, like jump over a car or say something you shouldn't.

I'm more comfortable inside the car than I am anywhere else.

Racing's my life.

It's always interesting to see how other people relate to their jobs.

When you have the most stable team in the garage from a financial standpoint and manufacturer standpoint, that attracts good people.

Winning makes everything better.