I sometimes need to be smarter, but that's not going to change how I drive.

They could find something wrong with every car if they took it apart for a whole day at the R&D center.

People like things that change. They don't like stagnant things.

I think, as competitors, you always wanted to try and gain an advantage, and you have that opportunity to go out and grab those bonus points and gain as many as you can throughout the year.

I mowed yards with my grandpa at $10 a pop for awhile. I painted numbers on curbs. I cleaned swimming pools. I usually did all of that over the summer, and then I'd continue to do the yard part during the year as I went to school.

I purposefully try to go through days without picking my phone up, and that's hard to do because we're so dependent on it.

You want to see how many races you can win, you want to see how many laps you can lead.

Being a good race car driver is one thing, but to take all the time commitments and all the pushing and pulling and learning when to say no - because you need to rest or focus on the things you need to do to make the car go fast - those are the hardest things to learn and the most distracting things to learn.

Experience will always win in this sport. That experience helps with a lot of things, even in the race shop. You are going to have experience in certain scenarios where you can make those right decisions.

You hear too many guys talk about retiring too soon.

I had to decide if I wanted to race full time or be an architect. I decided I could always go back to school.

We've definitely been in a few positions where it's come down to the end of the race and we've been able to close the deal, and we've definitely been in position where we've lost a few.

The day that Chase Elliott wins his first race is gonna be one of the best moments in NASCAR racing because of the fact of how impactful it will be for all of us in NASCAR racing.

It kind of sucks when you lose a dog; you don't realize how attached to them you are until they are gone.

I love racing cars, and we have to have great competitors to make the diverse fan base have people to root for, and some people like calm, shy Ryan Blaney that knows a lot about the sport, or Chase Elliott, who's been around racing and has those deep ties to NASCAR and the southern roots of our sport. Those guys are all important.

If you can qualify on the pole or in the front, you have a better chance of getting five points for leading a lap or leading the most laps.

I like the challenges we face in the future. That motivates me.

For some reason, the busier I am at the track, the better I tend to race. I think it's because I don't have to deal with all the distractions outside the car that can get me in trouble at times.

If you follow the same path as everyone else you're just going to be like everyone else.

I'm a guy that likes to sit in the quiet and think about things, and sometimes it's way more relaxing to have dead silence.

We have a great group of people and sponsors around us, and you don't want to send them out as outcasts because you have this newfound success and this new tool of things you can sell.

Winning takes you to that next level of being a bigger star.

We get paid a lot of money to do what we do, and there's a lot of people who are dependent upon that car running well and us getting everything out of it as a team. So I'm very, very loyal to my team and the company.

I'm a pretty intense person at the racetrack, but when I'm not thinking about my race car or in the garage doing my job, I'm pretty laid back, and I like to be organized and do normal things.