The fact of the matter is that I'm never going to be Dale Earnhardt Jr. or Chase Elliott. You're not going to have that connection, the hardcore roots with the fans.

I have had window braces smashed in the front of my car, several times. They fail all the time in the front.

We don't ever want to lose a deal. So we treat a $5,000 sponsor like a $5 million sponsor, both because it's the right thing to do and because we've grown a lot of our sponsors from thousands to millions.

A lot of the kids we have coming up through our ranks now have been in stock cars since they were 12 or 13 years old. It's much different. I think you have to pick a path. If you want to race open-wheel cars and do those things, it's probably going to be carts and into an open-wheel series.

I want to thank everybody at Stewart-Haas Racing, everybody at Ford for just continuing to put the effort they put into these cars.

For me, I believe that Dale Jr. has had a big part in kind of stunting the growth of NASCAR because he's got these legions of fans and this huge outreach of being able to reach different places that none of us have the possibility to reach, but he's won nine races in 10 years at Hendrick Motorsports and hasn't been able to reach outside of that.

When we're outside of the racetrack and in our team meetings, you need to communicate with your teammates and do what's best for the company in order to give the people that work there the best opportunity to succeed and maximize the potential of their job.

My favorite part of any military feature, aside from the people themselves, is how clean and organized everything is. I like things clean and organized, and they don't get any cleaner or more organized than they are in any branch of the military.

Just in a professional world, sometimes a phone call is definitely more meaningful than a text.

When you have fast cars and bad luck, it's a lot easier to handle than having slow cars and bad luck.

I'm going to quit when I feel like I'm not having fun anymore or I'm not competitive.

It's really not about what you have. It's about how you're able to enjoy life in general.

Life is all about setting yourself goals and then achieving them.

I like pushing myself.

Short-circuit racing is full of health and safety, but the reason I ride a motorbike is because of the danger, and there is no place more dangerous than the TT.

I broke five vertebrae, and they had to rod my spine because I broke my sternum, too.

I don't want to be famous.

Television opens up some bloody great doors. That's the plus. The minus is the attention it brings.

I'm big into the Stone Roses.

I'm fascinated by the whole communist thing. No one has a lot, but everyone is the same. I like that way of living.

When I was little, I would open up lawnmowers and try to make them go faster. I wasn't strong enough to do some things, so I'd wait for my dad to get home from work to help me. He was great, but he never really encouraged me, and I'll be the same if I have kids: I'll leave them to do their own thing.

I'm not much of a chef, so people keep buying me cookery books to broaden my culinary horizons, but I've not got far past shepherd's pie yet.

When you dead, you dead.

I should be paid to be a spokesman for Ford Transit.