I don't look at it as a man's sport because the women play as well. It's an open sport.

The more the women beat the men hopefully that will bring up more opportunities for us and then the possibilities are endless as to what can happen.

If people want to put the pressure on me that fine but I don't put pressure on myself - that is where pressure comes from.

I'm quite proud that I've inspired so many people.

It's nice if I am called a role model, because I never thought that I would be a role model for anyone else.

Once I get up on stage, I will have to forget who I am playing and focus on the game itself.

I don't have time to sit at home and not do anything. I used to just sit there and just watch TV and eat crisps. Now I don't have five minutes to do that.

No man wants to lose to a woman.

You always get the odd comment, along the lines of the women are not as good as the men, and I get called a lesbian.

I don't take any notice of negative stuff said on social media. If anything it spurs me on more.

Can I eat bugs? Yes no problem.

I can dance, a little bit.

When women play men, it brings out our better game.

When you play with the men, you know they don't give up.

To any young women out there who might be thinking about taking up darts, I would just say, 'Go for it.'

Whatever happens in women's darts in the future I will be able to think I helped to achieve it.

When I went to Q school, I was walking into a tournament where 500 other players all wanted the same thing as me.

Us women, we can play darts.

When I started playing darts and watching more darts on TV I would say someone like Trina Gulliver definitely inspired me to carry on and keep playing.

I've always had darts around me growing up because my family has always played it.

I know how to zone myself in and just play the game.

I haven't set myself any goals or targets because I am taking each day as it comes. But who is to say that I can't be a world champion, or do anything that I put my mind to?

I think I'm an enjoyable person to be around.

I think I'm a person who just makes things better.