Especially with the ladies' game, I have proved we can compete with all these men.

I focus on each leg and not what the score is.

When I play on stage, I have to drink a glass of water.

The sky is the limit now, us women are showing that we can beat men and hopefully it will open more doors.

I started taking medication to weaken my immune system because that is what was attacking my kidneys. The problem was when I went on different medication, I suffered side effects. And the side effects caused 'moon face,' where my face swelled up. It was a reaction.

I know I've probably got a massive target on my back now, because everyone wants to be better, to beat me.

There are women who can play at my standard, if not better, and they can beat men, too, so it would be nice to see them do it as well.

I could be two sets, two legs down but I wouldn't think that. I take each leg as it comes.

I haven't taken into account how much I drink. I do drink a lot when I am on stage anyway. You will see me come back and have sips of water. I haven't taken into account how much.

If I'm in a pressurised situation, I've learned to breathe, chill myself out and be calm.

Every time I play darts I try to keep my poker face on and stay focused until that last dart has gone in.

Real love is more than a one-time, seemingly iron-clad pledge that we will never be apart. If you're over 20, you've probably figured out that meaningful love isn't constricting; it doesn't chain you to one place or to each other.

No longer is a geek identifiable by a pale complexion, black-rimmed glasses, a bowling shirt that says 'Nerd World Order.' No, geeks are everywhere. And they're cool!

I admit I feel funny when I use the word 'whom' as I'm talking to my diapered children, but I persist.

I don't think, in my entire 18 years as a student, I ever used an exclamation point in an academic paper.

The boy taught from infancy to be tough is emotionally doomed.

Boys have always known they could do anything; all they had to do was look around at their presidents, religious leaders, professional athletes, at the statues that stand erect in big cities and small. Girls have always known they were allowed to feel anything - except anger.

The t-shirts that declare 'Girls Rule the World' offer an empirical falsehood, but at least the aspiration is there.

Hours after I gave birth to my first child, my husband cradled all five pounds of our boy and said, gently, 'Hi, Sweetpea.' Not 'Buddy' or 'Little Man.' Sweetpea. The word filled me with unanticipated comfort.

Are we a people who put politics over integrity? Or are we a country of voters and leaders, men and women, husbands and wives, fathers and mothers, colleagues, humans who care about treating each other with basic dignity?

People who champion Trump say they don't want politics-as-usual. But 'politic' is also an adjective. It means 'tactful and diplomatic.' It's necessary for an elected official to be politic.

Making fun of people's looks is something that children do - mean children - and, in fact, linguists have determined that Trump actually speaks like a 3rd grader.

Donald Trump, who surely has lots of high-stakes issues on which to focus, is consumed with the appearance of women.

Most of my best friends had children in their early 40s.