Against the men I have a point to prove. So I have more determination whereas, when I'm playing the women, we know each other's games so well. I need that extra boost just to prove to the men we can compete against them.

The men I've played are all respectful and gentlemen towards me. I've never really had a problem. In the past a lot of people would go: 'We're playing a woman.' But now they're thinking: 'We're playing a good player.'

It made me a stronger person, and more determined. I don't know if I'd still be as strong if I didn't have all that hate. I needed hate to make me more determined.

Every little bit of hate just gees me on to do better and prove them all wrong.

I'm just a normal person.

It sounds really bad but I never actually wanted to play.

When I was 15, I used to go with my sister to her youth games because she was really good.

I started playing when I was about 16, and I got picked for the England youth team when I was 17 because I was doing quite well. It's all spiralled from there.

I feel I can concentrate a bit more on playing darts now people are just seeing an equal playing field.

I practise about three to four hours a day and I will play one night a week, or at the weekend in a competition.

In the sport itself it's fine, but online I have had constant sexist comments saying women are not as good as men.

As long as you put the effort in with your practice, the muscles in your arm stay relaxed and mental preparation is all it takes.

The sport has come on - we do not just play in pubs any more and there are massive international competitions.

I'm so proud to help put women's darts on the map.

Being included in just the U.S. Darts Masters was amazing enough but to now be able to go worldwide is something I could only dream of.

I've made history, I've just beaten one man, who's to say I can't beat more?

Who's to say I can't beat anyone?

Us women can beat these men, we just need more opportunities to prove ourselves.

There's more women who can play like me if not better and we just need more recognition really.

I definitely think I can use the crowd to my advantage.

I never get really nervous.

I'm just me, a normal person.

Spider and heights are much easier than beating a man at the Ally Pally, any day of the week!

I feel really proud of myself for helping to put the ladies' game out there.