We are so blessed to be here in America. We have freedom and opportunity unlike anywhere else in the world.

Humans can make friends easily if they are open to it and are interested in other people.

I am particularly interested in helping to heal women who have a fistula after their pregnancies.

In Benin, there's a thing that family members wear the same pattern of traditional African clothing.

There are times, especially on 'The Five,' where I've lost control for a moment. I always feel bad about it, but those always seem to be the times that people realize, if I'm mad about something, it must really matter.

The two candidates have very different visions of America. Donald Trump's is very dark: Things are not going well. There are dark days ahead unless you make a change, and he's the one to fix it.

President Obama was never going repeal Obamacare - he was not going to be brought to his knees with the threat of a government shutdown.

I have been a Republican, and I've worked in Republican circles for so long, and I know that there are really smart, good policy ideas that are grounded in conservative ideology that could be persuasive for women, especially in an election where no one was really excited about either candidate.

Blaming alleged victims is not okay, no matter whose side starts it.

There's no job that will humble you like the White House press secretary job.

As a press secretary and on 'The Five,' I've learned that I have a choice in how I answer a question. There's combative or productive - I get to take my pick.

My dad met my mom at Casper College in the orientation line. He studied business and eventually transferred to the University of Wyoming at Laramie.

My dad got me hooked on the news. That was a good thing.

I understood early on that the freedom of America is what made our way of life possible and that we should help other people live in freedom, too.

I was raised to believe that America was a force for good in the world and that it should take its leadership role seriously.

Conservatives are charitable, forgiving, and are always - always - more willing to laugh at themselves.

Being a conservative has given me clarity; it's given me freedom - my mind is free; therefore, my heart is lighter. And that's a gift from God that I believe we have an obligation to share with others.

Commanders-in-chief make really tough decisions.

I think a lot of women, especially ones that want to achieve career goals, tend to worry. I don't want anyone to worry their life away - time goes by so fast, and worry is really wasted time and energy.

Millennials are a very interesting generation for a lot of reasons. They're absolutely adorable, but they have some significant challenges. Their lives and their careers are delayed by about 10 years, partly because of the recession, also because of technology and also because of the way that they approach things.

I never thought I would write a memoir at age 40... but I did have this unique place in history.

My dad was a voracious news consumer. I remember just sitting with my family all the time. I would sit on his lap and read the paper with him. He would read it to me.

Everyone learns from their experiences.

I loved the writing process. I loved it.