I've never seen anything so abhorrent in my life as Harry Reid. He's an equal opportunity basher. He goes after everybody, and I think it has been so, frankly, disgusting.

I think it is very good for the country, for the world, and especially for the Democrats that Harry Reid is retiring.

I think there is room out there to show the grace and dignity of women like Laura Bush.

Ann Coulter is very popular. She has got a niche. She is a best selling author, but she does not represent Republican women.

I don't think that I would always be asked about my feelings about liberal bias in the media if there wasn't any liberal bias in the media. If it was a moot question, then we wouldn't always have the discussion.

I just think it's quite remarkable that everyone says they want to add more commentary to their news pages. In some ways, I think, 'Well, how is that even possible?' It seems sometimes that that's all that there is.

I personally have a pretty open philosophy about trying to talk to the press, and so does Dan Bartlett.

Your goal as a candidate - define others before they can define you.

The realities are, there are - you can be entertaining and you can be fun, and you can say things that actually appeal to people. You still have to figure out a way to get to 270 electoral votes. Get votes in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

Even President Obama has not suggested he could get another country to pay for building a wall between Mexico and the United States.

When you're the president of the United States, you have no money unless the Congress says, 'Here's what you can spend it on.'

You tax Mexico? The president of the United States is going to tax Mexico to get a wall for the United States of America? I'm pointing out the absurdity of a lot of these comments.

The most important thing that everybody can do, aside from building and keeping your network strong, is make good choices about your health.

My biggest point to everybody is you have a responsibility to build your own network.

People really think that the only way I got to be press secretary is because I somehow had a personal family connection to the Bushes or the Cheneys, and that wasn't true.

The Mexicans are not going to build the wall... they're not going to do it.

You're not going to bring back all the jobs from China.

I feel like there should be a statute of limitations on scoring political points on the tragedy that was Hurricane Katrina.

Inauguration Day is like two ships passing in the night: the new staff moving in while the other walks out, taking one final look at the White House lawn as they leave with their cardboard box of possessions.

Starting in the third grade, my dad had me read the 'Denver Post.' I had to discuss two articles with him before dinner, and we would also watch '60 Minutes' together.

I would like to have a right not to have an opinion. I don't want to have to care about everything.

To meet our troops was just wonderful, and I really, really admired the Iraqi security forces I met. I felt like, 'I'm pulling for you guys.' They want peace. They're working hard for it.

The life my grandparents had was thoroughly American. They built a small ranch into a huge operation and fulfilled my great-grandparents' dreams. Theirs was... a simpler time of contentment and patriotism.

One time, on Marine One, the president asked me my opinion. I had a flashback to being at the kitchen table with my dad. That dominant male figure set me up for being confident to express myself with precision and persuasion.