I have a fascination with Flight 93. My emotions are mixed: awe, gratitude, fear, heartache, pride - even, in some ways, guilt.

I could actually be somebody that, if you showed me new gun-control legislation could help solve this problem, I might actually be able to support something like that.

I respect all women who came before me to blaze trails into the workplace for us.

My great-grandmother lived to be 100 years old, so I got to know her. She always sent us birthday cards that had $2 bills inside - we kept them for good luck.

Once you break someone of the habit of up-talking, they can start to see immediate improvement in their careers.

You can tell a lot about a person just by watching their facial expressions. But there are times when it's best to hide your feelings, especially at work.

A lot of people think that public speaking means that you are standing at a podium giving a speech, but public speaking comes in lots of different formats.

It isn't always on the front pages, but the horrifying mistreatment and subjugation of women around the globe is very much worthy of more attention.

Civility is a choice.

Part of the great thing of looking back on how I went from the cattle ranch to the White House was, I was a country music DJ. I saw Garth Brooks perform for free in 1992 at the Colorado State Fair where I met this person who knew about this graduate school program.

I am a pretty level-headed person, but that person, Harry Reid, has been the most destructive entity in Washington when it comes to civility. By far.

I've traveled to many countries in Africa, and to me, Benin felt the most hopeful.

If a political opponent has different approaches than mine, that doesn't make them a bad person. It means they have different backgrounds, experiences, and ideas.

I loved the Sunday funnies, and then, as I got a little bit older, I think my dad recognized that it was important for children, and especially girls, to have that time with their dad so that they could help develop their confidence and their critical thinking skills.

I love my right-wing friends, my practical friends, my bleeding heart friends - without all of these viewpoints, life would be pretty boring.

Sarcasm is like cheap wine - it leaves a terrible aftertaste.

There is freedom in forgiveness, and it's not that hard to do once you get into the habit.

At some point, you're going to have to be willing to take a punch for your team. If your employees or your teammates will see that you're willing to do that, they are more likely to be loyal to you, and your team is more likely to function better.

The Flight 93 Memorial isn't that easy to get to. It isn't like the memorials in New York City or Washington, D.C., where you may go on a business trip or family vacation. No, in order to get to Shanksville, PA, you fly to Pittsburgh, make your way through the traffic and onto the highway that takes you through the beautiful wooded countryside.

Young people really want you to give them a road map, and they will follow it to a tee. If you tell them, 'These are the eight steps you have to take to be successful,' they will do all eight very earnestly.

Conservatism by its very nature is compassionate.

I get a choice every time I have to open my mouth: that it can be with civility and dignity and grace - or not.

Good governance, safety, a chance to grow economically and professionally - those are important things.

Never refuse a breath mint - you don't know why it's being offered.