It doesn't matter if it is the League Cup, the FA Cup, or the Europa League. We want to do our best to try and win them all.

For Manchest United, every cup is very important. A trophy is a trophy.

You know that if you play football, you have to try to do the maximum, so I'm always doing the maximum for myself because when I retire from football, I want to sit down and think I did something good - I won this title, and I won this title. People will talk about what you have won, and that is the most important thing in football.

I believe playing for such a great club like United honours my father's memory, and the inspiration and drive he gave to me when I was young. I hope he is proud looking at me from the sky.

In my case, my mother had to be my mother and father, so I am thankful to her.

It is very difficult when you grow up without a father because you don't have a man who can give you direction and discipline.

Regarding Jose Mourinho, I hope I can learn a lot from him - he is a coach with a fantastic record.

I never give up when I encounter obstacles in my way. I just continue going until I reach my career objectives.

There are no disappointments, just challenges.

Brazil was a very good experience. I learned a lot about how to play football, both technical and physical. There would be a hundred kids of all ages, training and doing classes together.

Different managers give confidence in different ways. Some by hugging, others by talking or having conversations.

As a footballer, you just have to try to learn what you've done bad and what I could do good.

I went a long way to play for Manchester United, so nothing will prevent me from achieving my dream.

It doesn't matter if they buy me for, I don't know, £38 million or £40m - I am not guaranteed to play the games.

The year after my father died, I started football training. He was the drive for me; he was my idol. I said to myself, 'I have to run just like him. I have to shoot just like him.'

I didn't know it, but my father had a brain tumour. Everything happened very fast. Within a year, he was gone. Because I was so young, I didn't completely understand the concept of death.

My time with my father would be very meaningful, but also very short.

I will not retreat; I will find the strength to reach my goal.

I went a long way to play in Manchester United, so nothing will prevent me from achieving my dream.

I think the first goal can be weight off your shoulders.

When I returned to Armenia after four months in Brazil, I was still quite skinny and weak, but I had technique and skill.

The Brazilians are amazing in their nature. You cannot describe it; you must feel that warmth when you're around them to understand.

I dreamed of being like Kaka, and Brazil was the home of that creative style, which the Brazilians call ginga.

As tough as it was for us with my father gone, my mother and sister were always pushing me. They even let me go to Brazil by myself when I was 13 to train with Sao Paulo for four months.