You can put too much pressure on yourself. You can start forcing balls, maybe trying too hard. You make things too complicated.

If they want to kick the ball up in the air, I will challenge all day long.

I liked Thierry Henry. I watched Arsenal so much on TV.

At cricket, I was mainly a bowler and tried to bat. I hit the odd four or six and then got out! In athletics, I was mainly triple jump and 200m.

Even before I joined Manchester United, I knew of Wazza as a hard worker.

It doesn't matter whether it's the 93rd minute, Giggsy is making his jinky, mazy little runs. You could forgive him for maybe not coming out training every day, because he's done so much in the game, but every day he's out there. He doesn't seem to need a rest.

I had nothing to lose at my Fulham trial and I just gave it my all.

I liked business studies and economics at school and it followed on from there.

I had the offer of places at Leicester and Loughborough to study financial economics.

All of us are professionals and no player wants not to play.

When someone like Lukaku gets you in the position where he's holding you off it is key to try and nick it in front of him.

Football Beyond Borders is about learning, establishing new beliefs in an ability to succeed.

Football was always a dream, but a distant dream until when I was about to go to university. I'd had a couple of trials, but it wasn't a realistic dream, it was a kid's dream.

With United the spotlight is always on and there's always going to be that pressure, no matter what the game is.

Whether it's the Premier League or the Champions League, I can showcase my abilities.

I quite like being aggressive and horrible which gives you more confidence to dictate over strikers and to make them feel they have had a frustrating game when they've walked off the pitch, feeling very down.

I like to get the ball down and play, but I can always get stuck in and hold my own.

I would have gone to Loughborough to study business management and was looking forward to that very much.

It is nice to hear yourself being compared to great players.

Everyone has their own traits but if you are being compared to players like Rio Ferdinand then you must be doing something well and hopefully I can keep that going.

We have to take a greater stand against discrimination of all kinds.

As a patron of a youth education charity it is my duty to use my platform as a voice for all, regardless of background.

I understand that I am in an extremely privileged position and I am deeply thankful for that but, at the end of the day, we are all human.

Throughout my career I have developed a thick skin against verbal abuse, justifying it as just 'part of the game' but the time has come for Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to consider regulating their channels, taking responsibility for protecting the mental health of users regardless of age, race, sex or income.