We take more risks at United than the majority of teams but the manager wants us to play.

You can't rest on six months of good performances because as soon as you have a blip, there is always another player to take your place.

When you come to Manchester United, in every transfer window - whether the team is doing well or badly - there are always players linked with the club because this club is always linked with the best players.

Transfer speculation during the off-season does spur you on.

The FA Cup is notoriously unpredictable.

There are lots of aspects to work on my game, which the coaches do with me every day.

You just have to learn that you can't always go and win that ball and there are certain moments to do it.

I just want to do my best.

Of course you want to be playing in the summer.

All you can do is let your football do the talking.

Anyone who wants to be a centre-half would have to say that John Terry is a role model. Every centre-half in the game would agree with that. It is the way he leads the team and the way he reads the game.

Fabio Capello has probably seen me play more games at centre-half but for him to have the faith in me to play in a different position is great for my confidence and I hope I did him justice.

A good pre-season is essential if you want to do well.

If you would have told me that I'd be in a European final back when I was at Maidstone then I wouldn't have believed you.

Hopefully I can take my chances when I get them.

I always hoped I'd get a chance to prove myself at the top level because I believed I could do it, but making your way up the football ladder is very tough.

It makes me very proud that a club like Manchester United have wanted me to be here as long as I have been.

Just to be able to be at a club like Manchester United for so long when I first joined, you never know how it's going to turn out.

As players you need to have thick skin and we need to have belief that you will have bad days but it's about making sure you have more good days than bad.

I just have to make sure that, whenever an opportunity arises, I keep taking them.

When you get the shirt and a position in the team, you don't want to give it up.

Obviously with a knee injury there are certain protocols that need to happen.

As players we don't want to be sitting on the touchline or watching the games in the directors' box. That is no fun.

It's nice when you can have that battle on the pitch and then there's respect after the game because, ultimately, you are just trying to do your best.