"I am and feel Catalan."

"I can't stand comparisons to the past. It doesn't matter what we did in previous seasons."

"In England, there are big games but nothing like the Clasico. Manchester United versus Liverpool is a really great match, probably the best over there. But Barcelona-Madrid is different to any other game in the world."

"I would prefer to keep my distance a bit from the cameras. I want to keep a private life."

"There are stages in life in which you have to bring things to a close because of motivation."

"We try to study our rivals so we know where to improve."

"Completely, in the end, being at a club like FC Barcelona who must win titles, you have to stay motivated, and often times, using your head is more important than using your body."

"I think when people say Madrid are playing well and Barca are not and vice-versa, or when one wins the Champions League, it's better than the other, I don't think that makes sense. Everyone takes their own path."

"I studied economics with some teachers from ESADE. It's a really good school here in Spain. They helped me to understand a little about numbers, stats, economics, etc."

"Every year, Messi seems to reach his limit, but he always ends up exceeding that. He is the best."

"As a teammate, Cristiano Ronaldo is a perfect '10.' I admire him professionally because he sets an example to follow both as a player and as a person."

"I like to stay busy. I have a lot of things on my mind."

"You have to live your life day by day, enjoy what you're doing right now."

"In the Franco era, we couldn't defend our ideas."

"I know that there are many people who are hoping that things don't go well for me."

"My relationship with Ramos started off somewhat 'cold.'"

"I was 17 years old and missed many things about Barcelona, particularly the food. Fortunately, Sir Alex Ferguson realised my situation and helped me to grow. For me, the gaffer was like a second father."

"Being called up to the national team isn't a competition of who's more patriotic."

"Being called up to the national team is about going with them, playing the best you possibly can, and trying to win. That's how I understand it."

"For me, coming to the national team is like coming home."

"I've never seen a Barca without control of the game. I've never seen a Barca that doesn't have the ball and lets the opposition attack all the time."

"Arbeloa said he was my friend, but I don't consider him my friend - maybe someone I know, but not my friend."

"Anything can happen in the Clasico."

"I think Jurgen Klopp is doing a great job at Liveprool. The style of play is the opposite of Guardiola."