"If a man watches three football games in a row, he should be declared legally dead."

"I still love football, though, and I think cooking is like football. It's not a job, it's a passion. When you become good at it, it's a dream job and financially you need never to worry. Ever."

"Why is playing football in Europe considered the pinnacle of our game, yet in other spheres of life, that same phrase - 'being in Europe' - is dismissed with suspicion?"

"Cowdenbeath Football Club have always been at the centre of Cowdenbeath - literally and in every aspect of community life."

"His ability was an inspiration to everyone who loves football."

"All the small football nations are getting better and better. When we played Macedonia everyone thought it was easy but it ended 2-2."

"Every time France doesn't win a football game it is a surprise. I think they (Croatia) played very, very well and it will be a tough game on Monday for us."

"Football is a very physical game; things happen. I don't hold a grudge at all. I don't think he meant to do it. It's part of the game. ... It's a freak accident."

"I always said that Messi has some talent that no one has. I mean, he has the ball and his speed controlling the ball. The ball doesn't go two metres far from his foot; it's always there. It's impossible to catch him. This talent I didn't see from anyone."

"Luis Enrique has a clear idea, and the team has understood it perfectly. He asks us to press high up the pitch, to counter quickly when the opposition attacks and try to maximise the space between the lines with the speed we have."

"I think that every day, more and more people are conscious of what Barca is, that Barca is a global brand, and you can go anywhere in the world and see a child wearing a Barca shirt, and that means a lot: not just that people like Barca but that they also like the colours and even buy the shirt."

"I always try to say what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling, and without fear of what others will say or think, and that's how I've always lived. Sometimes, this has ended up hurting me, and other times, it has helped me, but I think you can never forget who you are, and I've always been myself, and that one of the things I'm most proud of."

"When I can talk about my teammates who help make me a better player, or even the coach who gave me the self-confidence to continue being who I am, these are fundamental people who have had an influence throughout my life and my professional career, and I'm very thankful to them, and they know it."

"Business is another kind of world that I don't think is as passionate. It is not the pressure to perform as you have in football. It is more about strategy, skill, about how you deal with all the information you have. Some of the things from football I can bring to business, and some things from business I can bring to football."

"You try to do the best for your club, and you also create relationships and friendships - with Neymar, my relationship is really strong, even though it really hurt the club when he left. As a friend, I could understand his decision and why he wanted to go to Paris. I tried to be fair to him no matter what."

"It's true that sometimes we have paparazzi or some kind of photographers following us, but you have to live normal. I mean, if you try to not go to the supermarket or not go to the cinema, you won't live properly, and you won't enjoy living. We are trying to be as normal as we can."

"If you stop now and start to realise what you have achieved, then you start to relax, and you start to lose. I don't think about everything I have achieved. I will do it when I retire because then I will have a lot of days to remember."

"I learned so much during my time at United. Sharing a dressing room with Paul Scholes, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Ruud van Nistelrooy, and Ryan Giggs at such a young age was an amazing experience. I didn't play as much as I would have liked, but it was a master's degree in development both as a player and a person."

"I moved to Manchester United when I was a 17-year-old kid. Nemanja Vidic was five years older than me and Rio Ferdinand nearly nine years, and at the time, they were the best central defenders in the world. They never had a bad game."

"With VAR, the refereeing errors will be reduced, and therefore, we'll all be on equal terms. It will take a lot of the responsibility from the referees on vital decisions, like penalties and goals, and they will make far fewer mistakes."

"When one is young, one can become distracted and overconfident."

"Evolution is all about looking forward."

"We have to enjoy ourselves and go for every trophy we can."

"The rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona is very big."