I still have my first paycheck. It was just, I think, a dollar or two that I got when I started as a songwriter with BMI, and I had some songs there that I had through the company, and in the mail I got this big old check for, like, a dollar and a half or something. Somebody had recorded one of my songs.

I know that I always wanted things. I was always proud of my people, proud of my home, but I always wanted more. I think most people do.

Sevier County is a great area.

If you like good ol' fashion Southern soul food then, yes, I am a good cook! My specialty is chicken dumplings and poke salad.

My first job was singing on the Cas Walker radio show in Knoxville, Tennessee. I was about 10 years old, and I thought it was big time.

Never leave a rhinestone unturned.

I'm a singer, a writer and an actress - when I find something that I feel good enough about doing.

No, I can't do rap music!

Believe it or not, I was just given an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Tennessee.

Above everything else I've done, I've always said I've had more guts than I've got talent.

Living in America and, of course, just being women in general, we've got more strength than we think we do.

I don't have time to stand around and listen to an 11-minute song.

Some guys look better as they get older.

Songwriting is my way of channeling my feelings and my thoughts. Not just mine, but the things I see, the people I care about. My head would explode if I didn't get some of that stuff out.

I ain't never far away from a pencil and paper or a tape recorder.

Writing's just as natural to me as getting up and cooking breakfast.

I love Indian, Italian and Mexican food. And if it's a romantic type of thing, I like a good French restaurant.

It took me years to eat a lot of shellfish. I was probably 20 years old before I had even seen a shrimp cocktail. I like oysters, but fried.

Every single diet I ever fell off of was because of potatoes and gravy of some sort.

I used to sing songs and write with my uncle, Bill Owens.

You always want your people to be proud of what you have accomplished.

I don't think you ever really know what all you're doing, so you have to act on faith.

Until I was a teenager, I used red pokeberries for lipstick and a burnt matchstick for eyeliner. I used honeysuckle for perfume.

You don't need to buy expensive cosmetics; almost anything will do if you know how to apply it.