Sometimes you don't prepare much. I mean, when I did 'Lonesome Dove' way back I rode horses day and night for like three or four months, and that got me ready for that.

When I was fourteen and first started going out, I always wanted to be the opposite of everyone else. So I would go to the club in a polo T-shirt and pants and sneakers and a hat on backward, just so I would not be dressed like other girls.

When I am putting looks together, I dare myself to make something work. I always look for the most interesting silhouette or something that's a little off, but I have to figure it out. I have to make it me. I think that's the thrill in fashion.

I always keep my guard up with guys and I guess that can get in the way sometimes. I can make them go through hell.

When I see myself as an old woman, I just think about being happy. And hopefully, I'll still be fly.

I always wanted to do what my brothers were doing. I always wanted to play the games they played and play rough and wear pants and go outside.

My body is weird. I wake up when the sun comes up, and it's hard for me to go to sleep. My thoughts just take over.

I was so rude when I was a little girl.

Life is not about significant details, illuminated a flash, fixed forever. Photographs are.

I will cut off this right arm of mine before I will ask for the ballot for the Negro and not for the woman.

My early exposure to all the leviathans of the Saturday matinee creature features inspired me, when I grew up, to make 'Jurassic Park.'

It all starts with the script: it's not worth taking myself away from my family if I don't have something I'm really passionate about.

When I have spare time, I catch up on things I've had to postpone due to lack of time.

The way I did it, every job was A+.

I really worry about everything going to the cloud,

I report, I decide.

Just because I have made a point of never losing my accent it doesn't mean I'm an eel-and-pie yob.

For Cider House Rules, I was doing a New England accent.

I don't meet stockbrokers or carpenters or coal miners; I spend all day with actors, composers and photographers.

Nobody did a campaign for me. I was nominated out of the blue and won out of the blue. So that was it.

I'm doing the next Batman. I have to become obsessed about what is offered to me.

I'm a perfectionist. I'm pretty much insatiable. I feel there's so many things I can improve on.

I've always considered myself the best and the top. I never considered that I was out of it.

I'm a real extrovert, but when I'm round someone new, I'm super shy.