I wanted to get really fit. I wanted to lose some weight. So I've been doing Pilates and yoga, trying to lean out my body so I won't be bulky.

I never really said I want to be a role model. But then when it happened I was so down for it.

I wanted to do things that I knew were going to be me.

I drive the same car that I've driven since I was 16. That's who I am.

It's awful walking into a restaurant and having the whole room look at you, knowing what they're saying.

I'm young: I've lived my life in the public eye, and I've had to figure out how to do that.

I just try to make my home everywhere I go as much as I possibly can.

I was a big tomboy.

My first big break came when I was five years old. It's taken me more than seventy years to realise that. You see, at five I first learnt to read. It's that simple and it's that profound.

I will always be a Hyderabadi.

I'm not one to sit and wallow - I would rather figure out a way around so I can move past it and be at peace with things. I don't like bad feelings gnawing away at me.

I'm a bit of a perfectionist, and I want to give 100 percent to everything.

I've heard myself referred to as a quiet superstar, and I don't quite know what that means.

I remember when I came home from the hospital after having my son, I wore a Narciso Rodriguez black coat. Then, I was using this fragrance that I had created. I walk by that coat, and it still smells like that fragrance. It takes you right there.

To be in a couple, do you have to put your single self on a shelf?

Every once in awhile, a girl has to indulge herself.

I have a fantastic husband. Here's the honeymoon part: I still think he's the funniest, wittiest, most clever man I've ever known.

I have a lot of responsibilities outside myself. I have a large family. I want to know I can always be helpful.

I expect I should be more calloused by now, but I am so sensitive about not ever living up to anybody's worst idea about an actor who is well-known.

Some of the regrets I've had about my own career are things I have not done that I should have done. More than some of the things that I've done.

I was always an independent, even when I had partners.

I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs.

The man who lets himself be bored is even more contemptible than the bore.

I want more than what I want. (Vina Apsara)