"I always feel better after a good scream."

"Wear what you feel comfortable with. People say nasty things about what I wear in the street. I'm always in worst dressed lists, but you just have to dress for yourself and ­nobody else."

"I'm drawn to emotionally damaged characters because there is more to unlock."

"I'm drawn to emotionally damaged characters because there is more to unlock."

"I don't think kids have a problem with death. It's us older ones who are nearer to it, that start being frightened."

"I don't think kids have a problem with death. It's us older ones who are nearer to it, that start being frightened."

"It's different when you're an actor and playing a part, but when it's just you, you feel immensely vulnerable have strangers prodding and prying."

"It's different when you're an actor and playing a part, but when it's just you, you feel immensely vulnerable have strangers prodding and prying."

"I’ve aged, but I don’t think I’ve grown up."

"I do think imperfection's underrated."

"Everyone seems to think I'm very ladylike. That I'm very cultured and intelligent. I drink alot of Diet Coke and belch. I've been known to use the F-word. I've told a few dirty jokes. I arm-wrestle."

"Multitasking? I can't even do two things at once. I can't even do one thing at once."

"Multitasking? I can't even do two things at once. I can't even do one thing at once."

"I'm the kind of actor who has ventured into escaping from me."

"I'm the kind of actor who has ventured into escaping from me."

"I think Woody Allen is pretty much of a genius. I'm thinking of filmmakers every century or two, but I've never had the luck to meet them. People who create their absolutely own world and are totally inimitable."

"I'm always attracted to lower budget, not because it's lower budget, but because they tend to be better scripts."

"I'm always attracted to lower budget, not because it's lower budget, but because they tend to be better scripts."

"I drink a lot of Diet Coke and belch. I've been known to use the ''f'' word."

"I actually pointed my wand and it blew up! The power! The power was just like Angry Birds, but big [as] life."

"I'm often criticised for what I wear. That's my main label in the press now: disastrous dresser!"

"I'm often criticised for what I wear. That's my main label in the press now: disastrous dresser!"

"I'm convinced that whatever state you're in during your pregnancy has a huge influence on the baby's personality - so I hope we haven't produced a little serial killer!"

"If you're a queen, you're powerless, so I'd probably demote myself and go shopping."