Words are pretty, but anyone can talk. Pay attention to the people who perform.

And I was glad she had the camera as a fence to protect herself, an excuse to be invisible. Cameras are a lifesaver for the very shy people who have nowhere else to hide.

Violence send deep roots into the heart, it has no seasons, it is always ripe, evergreen.

Scarlett (O'Hara) taught that one could be hungry and despairing, but not broken and not without resources, spiritual in nature, that precluded one from surrendering without a fight

The most powerful words in English are, "Tell me a story.

They succeeded not only in making me normal but also in making me dull .

Humanity is best described as inhumanity.

Her view of men was one-dimensional, but not inaccurate: men were prisoners of their genitalia and women were the keepers of the keys to paradise.

Paranoia has a sharper taste if the danger is real.

Love had always issued out of the places that hurt the most.

He treated the stars as though they were love songs written to him by God.

The human soul can always use a new tradition. Sometimes we require them.

My soul grazes like a lamb on the beauty of an indrawn tide.

The pursuit of greatness means that laziness has no place in your life.

It did not look like the work of God, but it might have represented the handicraft of a God with a joyous sense of humor, a dancing God who loved mischief as much as prayer, and playfulness as much as mischief.

Perfect doesn't just mean happy. Perfect can have lots of different parts. - Niles.

She had awakened something in him that had slumbered far too long. Not only did he feel passion, he felt the return of hope.

I take it as an article of faith that the novels I've loved will live inside me forever.

I realized early that unless you're willing to kill the innocent, you can't win.

In Charleston, more than elsewhere, you get the feeling that the twentieth century is a vast, unconscionable mistake.

One can learn anything, anything at all, I thought, if provided by a gifted and passionate teacher.

There were far worse strategies in life than to try to make each aspect of one's existence a minor work of art.

There are no verdicts to childhood, only consequences, and the bright freight of memory.

Good coaching is good teaching and nothing else.