To have to watch myself in a way that was constructively critical was really good for me because it made me a little bit more easy on myself because I wasn't allowed to walk away screaming.

You see the amount of bullying and negativity that goes on [social media] that is really, really intense, and I feel lucky that I came of age before all of that came on.

I have nice ears. I have no lobes, which was disappointing for a while, but I've gotten over it and learned to love them. Being lobeless isn't the end of the world

Your director is your everything and you devote yourself to them and you want to help create their vision.

I'd basically have trouble with any job that doesn't require me to wear silly clothes and talk in funny voices.

Normally I can't watch myself at all, and watching myself makes me cringe, and I cover my face, and it's very hard to watch.

The fact that audiences have come away moved, excited, entertained and stimulated by the film is extraordinarily flattering.

I'd say I got three or four offers for films that had female directors, so in my career I haven't had that opportunity before. That's exciting.

I think mainly it's an optics thing: to be able to visualize a woman in a position of power. It's going to be wonderful for all of us in every field.

I've wanted to be an astronaut, a doctor, a vet - these are things I've said in interviews. Before that, I wanted to be a mermaid and a fairy.

People are just funny sometimes if you find the right character.

One of the most exiting things about being pregnant is that I just am accepting the complete unknown; it's a complete mystery and miracle.

I really want to get the word out to people to register because of course, the more people vote, the more our democracy works.

And then there is Cate Blanchett. She is different all the time.

I love stoner comedies. I smoked weed in college, but I haven't smoked in years.

I don't want to be a celebrity who's trying to like say, «look at this charity work I'm doing».

I am more a teenager than anyone else I know. One minute I feel really adult and the next minute I say, 'Let's play hide-and-seek.'

We have so much separation between feeling the emotional and physical side of sex.

I had danced when I was younger, until I was about 12, and I always idealized it, as most young girls do, as the most beautiful art. It's an expression without words.

I don't want to sound superficial, but when I go see a movie myself, I'd rather look at Tom Cruise than some shmo with a beer belly

I do think there is a sort of natural balance in nature between men and women, and that it's being thrown off-balance by the social and economic inequities between men and women.

Guys have guy/girl relationships so that they can have their own guy thing plus the sensitive thing with the girl.

I'm not a perfectionist but I'm definitely, or well, I like discipline. I'm obedient. I'm not a perfectionist.

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