Point shoes are torture devices.

I always find it a little scary to say that I'm like a character.

I usually run three or four times a week now. Pretty boring, but it's so worth is. It's done wonders for my mood

I couldn't be anorexic because I like food too much, and I couldn't be bulimic because I hate throwing up too much.

Microcredit is about giving hope.

There is a lot lacking on the intellectual side and on the values side when being an actor.

Sometimes it's better to forgive and forget. And sometimes, on the other hand, it's better to leave the friendship.

I'm not convinced about marriage. Divorce is so easy, and that fact that gay people are not allowed to marry takes much of the meaning out of it. Committing yourself to one person is sacred.

Cute is when your personality shines through your looks.

People who take everything to heart trivia - the most capable of genuinely love.

I've always tried to stay away from playing Jews. I get like 20 Holocaust scripts a month, but I hate the genre.

Sometimes just watching a person doing the things they would only do at home lets you know who they really are.

My mom devotes so much of her time toward me. She's an artist, and my father is a doctor. I've been brought up in what you might call a pretty conventional family.

No one can live without friendship, because what would you do all day without friends?

It really wasn't my thing. It still isn't my thing, the whole science-fiction action thing. I prefer simpler, character-based movies.

I don't know if acting is what I want to do for the rest of my life, it's just what I've, you know, ended up doing when I was little, and I've kinda grown up with it.

I also feel I'm a positive role model by not putting my education on hold.

I think that we, women, are so often defined by who our husbands are and what our husbands do. And it's time for that to end.

You can tell when someone likes you just because you're in a movie, because all they talk about is the movie, and all they talk about is the movie business.

Hillary Clinton has a real history of uniting people, of being able to work with both Republicans and Democrats, of trying to fight for people's equal rights. Whereas we really see the polar opposite in her opponent.

Really, really obscene hip-hop. I love it so much. It makes me laugh and then it makes me want to dance.

I think it's about having a competent president, and I don't really think gender has to do with how Hillary Clinton will lead.

Ballet really lends itself to that because there's such a sense of ritual, with wrapping the shoes every day and preparing new shoes for every performance. It's such a process. It's almost religious, in nature.

I think you always need to be able to relate to your characters, but that doesn't necessarily mean...you have to understand why they do what they do, but you don't actually have to be like that yourself.