"I'm fascinated by how Hollywood has changed since I started. Today it's about immediate delivery. There's less risk and less art."

"I think certainly directing is a visual medium, but it's also about communication, and a lot of times great directors are lacking in communication skills, which is rather shocking to discover that."

"I think I'd be in an entirely different business if it were easy."

"For me, I don't even like to promote my films but I have to because it's in the fine print of my contract."

"So now I'm left with cigarettes, and I'm trying to scrape that off my shoe and then I'll be done."

"I've always had this unresolved desire to prove that I could get a Ph.D., or contribute something else to the world."

"I've always had this unresolved desire to prove that I could get a Ph.D., or contribute something else to the world."

"I don't want to live in a bubble, in my craft or in the world... I can't, I would be cheating myself out of my generation and the world we live in."

"Americans are like Pac Man. We just eat our way through the day. There's always something going into the mouth."

"Americans are like Pac Man. We just eat our way through the day. There's always something going into the mouth."

"Well, I didn't really admit that I anywhere until my daughter started school and I knew I couldn't pull up and leave when I felt like it."

"Well, I didn't really admit that I anywhere until my daughter started school and I knew I couldn't pull up and leave when I felt like it."

"I'm not a bad parent and partner, even if I make a thousand mistakes."

"You can only be a virgin once. There can only be one first time."

"That's why they call it work, because it's not what you'd prefer to do with your free time."

"With modeling, you pose. You want to look your best all the time. With acting, you have to be aware of the camera, but the more you show your imperfections, the better you're going to be."

"Life is more important than work."

"You should be smart enough to know that you don't know everything. But you have to believe in yourself. I certainly do."

"I am a better person when I let myself have the time for romance and for love."

"I play a curator, the most American part you can think of. My work is to protect the Declaration of Independence. I work at the National Archives in Washington."

"I find that classical music helps put me in a place that is very calming and allows me to express emotion through my body. I played clarinet as a child, so I guess I have a bit of a musical ear."

"I do give myself a break in my personal life but I think in work, if you don't push yourself you get bored and want to do something else."

"If you're with someone who makes you happy in your personal life, then you're happy with where you're at."

"Above all, I dislike vulgarity."