"I grew up watching Wonder Woman; I grew up watching Batman. I grew up watching George Reeves as Superman."

"Oh, I'm just too chicken to experiment with my face and have it go wrong. I'm not saying I never will. But it's like, what scares you more? Getting old or looking weird?"

"I have just enough attention to feel glamorous and important."

"When I really young yet feeling very old, I offered up a lot of myself to the press; I knew it was good copy."

"More yoga in the world is what we need."

"Independent films have a very different cachet than success films."

"I was raised by free-spirited people, though "my "father gave me a very strong work ethic."

"When I was about seven, I started touring the globe as part of New York's La MaMa theater company - without my parents!"

"I like someone who's suffered from both sides."

"I think the secret to happiness is having a Teflon soul. Whatever comes your way, you either let it slide or you cook with it."

"Sometimes I think opposable thumbs were invented so teenage girls could use text messaging."

"When I was 12, all I wanted was to be good at school, and to do something admirable, something you can't take away from me because I'm not popular or beautiful enough."

"I try not to be overly analytical."

"I was really fortunate that I was not in 'successful movies' when I was younger, because whatever's given, there's an undertow that wants to take it away."

"Blessings come in disguise. And challenges can be a blessing."

"I would say chemistry between two people is very powerful. You have to fight to keep it, but if you don't have it, you can't manufacture it."

"I bought into the myth that you are not complete without romantic love, without a mate. And it can really distract you from your goals. But sometimes you have to take a leap."

"It's always refreshing to step into another time."

"I know I've made the right decision when I've followed my heart."

"My parents treated my like I had a brain - which, in turn, caused me to have one."

"Because that's what intimacy is: It's a willingness to be vulnerable, a willingness to bite my tongue and a willingness to set an example of what I believe in."

"There is something wonderful about coming to terms with time - that it is finite. You want to have as much joy in your life as possible, and you take responsibility for your own joy."

"I don't really know how to relate to a long-term day-in day-out kind of comfortable relationship."

"I'm fascinated by how Hollywood has changed since I started. Today it's about immediate delivery. There's less risk and less art."