"Love is the most powerful thing in the world, and you know, what love brings is joy."

"I can move any crowd."

"I'm one of them guys that tries to make everything the best of the best, so sometimes I'm out of control with it."

"I don't have no favorite rock bands. I'm a fan of rock music, though."

"What's so beautiful about Miami is that we support each other. We're just one big family, not just the entertainers, just everyone in general."

"All of my records, I produced, put together completely. All of them. Maybe Drake might come with an idea, and I might finish it. You gotta remember what a producer is. Quincy Jones is a producer."

"A producer gets the whole vision done from top to bottom, to making the record to having the record delivered to the world. That's a producer."

"Lil Wayne, that's my brother. Birdman, that's family."

"I'm just changing the game because I know what the fans want and the people want 'cause I'm a fan of hip-hop."

"I want more of my favorite artists or more of the guy that makes the anthems. I want more."

"My whole life and my whole career, even through my music, I tell people: let's unify; let's show more love."

"We want justice, but at the same time, we gotta love and come together and bring unity, and I feel it's gonna happen."

"For a date night with my girlfriend, we go to Zuma for Japanese."

"I love stuff from the Holy Land. It makes me feel blessed."

"The key is to vote because we need a vote to put the people in power that we want to represent us."

"I love Chris Brown. He's a superstar. He's one of the best singers out there."

"I would love to get Rihanna on a Khaled song. That's my friend, but every time I'm around her, I get shy."

"I would love to work with Eminem, Dr. Dre. I wish I could have been in the studio with Bob Marley."

"It feels good being a restaurant owner because it's part of my dreams of being the biggest mogul."

"Fan Luv is a powerful positive movement. All over the world they come. It's a force of luv."

"It confuses me and disappoints me when somebody says, 'What does he do? What does he do?' My records are some of the biggest anthems ever. What do you think, they magically just appear? Obama walked out to my record."

"Nevertheless, it is the free grace of the resurrected One that now also goes after the individual, overcomes the doubter, and creates in him the Easter faith."

"The task is not to turn the world upside down but in a given place to do what, from the perspecive of reality, is necessary objectively and to really carry it out."

"I think, certainly, directing is a visual medium, but it's also about communication, and a lot of times, great directors are lacking in communication skills, which is rather shocking to discover that."