"Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

"Before even Court Grip, I just wanted to be a part of a brand that I felt that listened to the athlete and really catered to the athlete, and gave us what we were looking for."

"The biggest thing is to let your voice be heard, let your story be heard."

"Once you believe in who you are and who you were born to be, it can be very powerful."

"And that's another reason to make this movie: We can put plays on film now, at a relatively small cost, and they will reach an audience they would never have reached otherwise."

"If you're waiting for the job, you're dead."

"The better you are as a parent, the richer the nest you've built, the more difficult it is for your kids to leave. So they have to invent things to dislike about you. And they're brilliant at it."

"We're all a little nit autistic."

"Next to that kid, we all look like onions."

"Euthanasia is legal in Hollywood. They just kill the film if it doesn't succeed immediately."

"Well, 45-odd years of doing it, so we all pile up the things we like about directors and the things we don't like about directors. And sometimes they're very similar."

"So, they had this 40-odd year friendship with each other and with Mr Harwood. So, when I came on it Albert, Tom and Maggie were in the cast. But then Albert wasn't up for it, so he had to withdraw."

"The word [jazz] never lost its association with those New Orleans bordellos. In the 1920s I used to try to convince Fletcher Henderson that we ought to call what we were doing 'Negro music'. But it's too late for that now."

"Everybody in Canada seemed to listen to what they enjoyed, and nobody could tell them what to like, or what was the popular, or what was the In thing. Even today, it is very hard to brainwash a Canadian."

"Be a number one yourself. And not a number two somebody else."

"Problems are chances for us to do our best."

"I fluffed off the guy who kept requesting tunes all night, then found out he was the King's son."

"The common root, of course, comes out of Africa. That's the pulse.The African pulse. It's all the way back from . . . the old slave chants and up through the blues, the jazz, and up through rock. And it's all got the African pulse."

"Now I can say loudly and openly what I have been saying to myself on my knees."

"You've got to find some way of saying it without saying it."

"There are 2 rules in life: Number 1- Never quit Number2- Never forget rule number 1."

"I regret to say that during the first act of this, I fell so soundly asleep that the gentleman who brought me piled up a barricade of overcoat, hat, stick, and gloves between us to establish a separation in the eyes of the world, and went into an impersonation of A Young Man Who Has Come to the Theater Unaccompanied."

"The ladies men admire, I've heard, Would shudder at a wicked word. Their candle gives a single light, They'd rather stay at home at night. They do not keep awake 'till three, Nor read erotic poetry. They never sanction the impure, Nor recognize an overture. They shrink from powders and from paints... So far I've had no complaints."

"I'm not a writer with a drinking problem, I'm a drinker with a writing problem."