"Some children are tackling tough times without the support that can help them because the adults in their life are scared to ask."

"Since beginning my work in areas like addiction, for example, I have seen time and time again that the roots of poor mental health in adulthood are almost always present in unresolved childhood challenges."

"With the right help, children have a good chance of overcoming their issues while they are still young and can have the bright future they deserve."

"By far the best dressing up outfit I ever had was a wonderful pair of clown dungarees, which my Granny made."

"We have seen that two heads are better than one when dealing with a mental health problem."

"Yes, well I really hope I can make a difference, even in the smallest way. I am looking forward to helping as much as I can."

"Every child deserves to grow up knowing their potential and feeling confident that they won't fall at the first hurdle - that they cope with life's setbacks."

"I have learned that delivering the best possible palliative care to children is vital, providing children and their families with a place of support, care and enhancement at a time of great need is simply life-changing."

"No one would feel embarrassed about seeking help for a child if they broke their arm - and we really should be equally ready to support a child coping with emotional difficulties."

"I think as any mother would be she was absolutely over the moon. And actually we had quite an awkward situation because I knew and I knew that William had asked my father but I didn't know if my mother knew."

"No parent would fail to call the doctor if their child developed a fever."

"We have heard time and time again in the course of our work how talking can help heal the hidden challenges we can't deal with alone."

"Every time Wimbledon is on, I am thinking, 'Yes, I could do the same and get out the racket.' Sadly, not the same results."

"I get a bit gloomy when it's gloomy."

"After Zorro, people spoke Spanish to me for ages. I'm Welsh but that movie instantly gave me a new ethnicity."

"I don't know, 'Zorro' was just so great for me because, knowing where I came from, everyone spoke Spanish to me, like, forever after that. And I'm, like, from Wales."

"I do a lot of swimming, both in the ocean and in the pool."

"We recently had an extension built, to house a closet. It's like the Tardis - I go in there and never come out."

"I'm more insecure than I ever let anyone know; sometimes you protect yourself with this kind of armor that people see more than they see you."

"Bjork is a very original, interesting person. I like her very much."

"Polanski was very precise. I think he still is."

"You have a name and one thing after another happens to you, and you behave in various ways and do things, so that soon the name begins to have a meaning. Things have accumulated around your name."

"That was the best of all. To speak the truth and be attended."

"I wish I was somebody else except me."