"When I was starting out in this business, that was the norm. You did it all. You looked around, and entertainers could dance, sing, play the piano, act, make you laugh."

"It's not a bad thing to be able to do many things onstage. If you're an entertainer, you should be able to entertain. I'm proud to say that I'm not a one-trick pony."

"I was very entertained by Betty Grable and Judy Garland."

"Cavort, dear, just cavort"

"Only I can change my life. No one can do "it "for me."

"When I really like something, I try to put my all into it. This is something thats different from when I was growing up on the basketball court, running up and down, scoring 30 points or something. This is totally something different."

"Any decision I make is the biggest decision of my life."

"I believe that you should put the right people around you, people that will not let anything go wrong."

"Who wouldn't want to go back home to play?"

"Man, I'm not trying to be important; I just go out and play."

"It's easier for me to let the game just come to me."

"I wanted to make the lightest shoe possible, but still be able to perform at the same time."

"I think everybody has their own unique style."

"I told my mom I would graduate. I owe that much to her and myself."

"I just want to get on the court."

"Denver is home to me, and to be recognized for my achievements in the sports community here is a great honor."

"I think people fail to realize that teams and organizations have been stacking teams since way back in the day."

"Of course I want to take the last shot, let's be quite frank: I've been doing for nine years already, and I've made a ton of them."

"With the way everything's going now and the way that technology is going, you can do a lot of things with a lot of different new materials."

"What I do will be straight up. Management knows that."

"Every Morning You Have Two Choices: Continue To Sleep With Your Dreams, Or Wake Up and Chase Them."