"Sometimes I enjoy talking, but when it's like people are trying to find something out about me, I don't."

"Garlicky chicken is the best breakfast in the world."

"It's cute when you meet young boys and they're bright red and breathing like they've run up the stairs, but they're just sitting outside the door. I've had phone calls in the middle of the night when I stay at hotels."

"The whole experience has really stayed with me. Dunsfold pops into my head at the strangest times, and I run the track through in my head. 'I can go faster there and there...'"

"I think humor is the best gift, and if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?"

"Comparison is a brutal assault upon one's self. Once you compare yourself to someone else, what you're really saying is that what you're made of isn't good enough."

"Don't you know that when you sleep with someone, your body makes a promise whether you do or not."

"I've banged my head quite a bit. I liked Iron Maiden, Ozzy, AC/DC. And of course, Ratt and Poison."

"Kids called me 'Skeletor' as a kid because I was so skinny."

"There's something about moonlight on the body and things happening sort of free and open. Outdoors is something I'm totally game and down for."

"I don't even own a TV because I think it's the devil."

"Your regrets aren't what you did, but what you didn't do. So I take every opportunity."

"I think that women are afraid to say they don't want children because they're going to get shunned."

"Even if I loved the script, the director has to be right because it's all about the filmmaker. It's their vision. They're the ones that go back into the editing room and reassemble the film."

"Friendships I think can also be soul mates."

"I do feel like there's a spirit and a tone you can set that lets people know that they're appreciated for being there. It's a sense of spirit that I think every film should have."

"One of the great things about being an actor is that you do get to indulge in someone else's life."

"I know that in my life my girlfriends are one of the most important relationships I have going through the good times and the bad times."

"It's really important in our society to tell stories, and I feel grateful and honoured that I get to do that in this day and age."

"It's such a commitment, making a film, you're really dedicated, it's your life, that's all you do for that period of your life."

"I never felt I had to prove myself with anything."

"I love to cry. It's such a great release. If I'm just tired - jetlagged, I didn't get any sleep, I want to cry. I think it's important to cry."

"I think story-telling is innate in human beings, it's something that we've done since we scrawled across cave walls."

"What drives me is what I'm putting out into the world, and I like to make films that people can connect to, or they can escape in."