The authority of the Supreme Court must not be permitted to control the Congress or the Executive when acting in their legislative capacities, but to have only such influence as the force of their reasoning may deserve.

I do not promise to believe tomorrow exactly what I believe today, and I do not believe today exactly what I believed yesterday. I expect to make, as I have made, some honest progress within every succeeding twenty-four hours.

The Judas of the West has closed the contract and will receive the thirty pieces of silver. . . . Was there ever witnessed such a bare faced corruption in any country before?

I say to you never involve yourself in debt, and become no man's surety.

The planter, the farmer, the mechanic, and the laborer...form the great body of the people of the United States they are the bone and sinew of the country men who love liberty and desire nothing but equal rights and equal laws.

Our brief was to create an environment where people could feel comfortable shopping, dining, relaxing and meeting friends and it is wonderful that our design has been acknowledged in this way.

I think this is the best way to end the senior year. The awards just keep coming. After the final game ... now it's a couple months down the road. We're still receiving awards for what we've done.

Oh, yeah. This is a very nice honor to be able to come here. Just the connection ... 150 years of senators ... this place has the original feel to it. It's not your everyday or your year-to-year. It's the state recognizing us. I don't think we could ever have imagined this.

We made a mistake, and you have to be responsible for your mistakes. If they feel the title shouldn't be here at Burke, then it shouldn't be here. I'm fine with that. You just have to go out there and do it all over again.

Temporize not! It is always injurious.

In England the judges should have independence to protect the people against the crown. Here the judges should not be independent of the people, but be appointed for not more than seven years. The people would always re-elect the good judges.

I am a Senator against my wishes and feelings, which I regret more than any other of my life.

The safety of the republic being the supreme law, and Texas having offered us the key to the safety of our country from all foreign intrigues and diplomacy, I say accept the key and bolt the door at once.

War is a blessing compared with national degradation.

Fear not, the people may be deluded for a moment, but cannot be corrupted.

I would sincerely regret, and which never shall happen whilst I am in office, a military guard around the President.

We are beginning a new era in our government. I cannot too strongly urge the necessity of a rigid economy and an inflexible determination not to enlarge the income beyond the real necessities of the government.

The Bible is the rock on which this Republic rests.

Democracy shows not only its power in reforming governments, but in regenerating a race of men and this is the greatest blessing of free governments

It is a damn poor mind indeed which can't think of at least two ways to spell any word.

I cannot consent that my mortal body shall be laid in a repository prepared for an Emperor or a King my republican feelings and principles forbid it the simplicity of our system of government forbids it.

Americans are not a perfect people, but we are called to a perfect mission.

Mr. Van Buren, your friends may be leaving you but my friends never leave me.

The wisdom of man never yet contrived a system of taxation that would operate with perfect equality.