It felt like strappy sandals were looking really old lady-ish; really dated and not cool.

What I hate is leather leggings and an ankle boot. I hate the line.

I'm really hoping just to keep building on what we're doing. You have to build your core business first which is really important.

The next few years is really going to be focused on shoes.

I wear Sweet Revenge, the legging boots, a lot particularly in the winter.

I had to put the company through a reorg, raise a new round of financing, and sort of press the restart button. But my feeling was that I wasn't going to be bullied. I wasn't going to let them take me down. I had to pull myself together and move forward.

I went back to the factories that I worked with at Jimmy Choo because they don't work for Jimmy Choo exclusively.

I tried to put direct to consumer through a wholesales channel - the industry was just not ready to adapt and change. The other issue I had was with Jimmy Choo.

There's this sort of migration west at the moment, a sort of energy that's definitely moving to LA.

You never know. Down the road you can do a lot of product categories. But I think you really have to build your core first and for people to know you and respect you for that.

When you get divorced, you have to go through this awful thing of listing everything you own. When you actually sit down and write the list, you realize that the only good investments are art and property.

The reality is that I spent years in the factories in Italy when I first set up Jimmy Choo. Today, everyone who has a job at Jimmy Choo, I've done their job - right down to the cleaner.

If I wasn't in fashion, I would have been a psychiatrist.

There have been moments in my career when I've had to be tough and I've had to step up to the plate - but usually that's because a man has underestimated me. But other than that, I wouldn't say I'm a tough person.

“If suicide is your idea of escape from trouble then it doesn't very much matter what the trouble is.”

“You arouse my gastronomical juices, madame.”

“Things are simple as a rule”

“Young men are sadly degenerate nowadays.”

“Of course, if you’ve made up your mind about it, you’ll find an answer to everything.”

“Of course, if you’ve made up your mind about it, you’ll find an answer to everything.”

“It is fundamentals that matter --- not the trappings. (Alice Cunningham)”

“She'd never stopped for a moment wanting me to be different but her wishes were never going to come true.”

“You're a man milliner, Poirot. I never notice what people have on."

“...Murder, I have often noticed, is a great matchmaker.”