“Conversations are always dangerous if you have something to hide, " said Miss Marple”

“Anybody who can belive six impossible things before breakfast wins hands down in this game.”

“He felt lost without his hatred–lost and afraid.

“… one can never go back, that one should not ever try to go back – that the essence of life is going forward. Life is really a One Way Street.”

“Go away where you're loved and taken care of and looked after.”

“It is a profound belief of mine that if you can induce a person to talk to you for long enough, on any subject whatever! sooner or later they will give themselves away.”

Don't you know, you idiot, that that is what every fool of a woman says about her child?

“What are murderers like? Some of them, have been thoroughly nice chaps.”

“Accuracy is more a male quality than a female one. - Jane Marple”

“I think a woman smothered in cheap scent is one of the greatest abominations known to mankind - Lord Mayfield”

“Got on! Got on! It's not a question of getting on. That's the wrong view altogether. The Classics aren't a ladder leading to quick success.”

“To know when to use the truth is the essence of successful deception”

“Money, money, money! I think about money morning, noon and night! I dare say it's mercenary of me, but there it is”

“Hercule Poirot spread out his hands in his most foreign manner.”

“They have been in prison so long that, if the prison door stands open, they would no longer notice!”

“Write even when you don't want to, don't much like what you are writing, and aren't writing particularly well.”

“Your not reliable. You wouldn't be at all a comfortable sort of person to live with.”

“Nobody over fifty has got any sense.”

“My dear Poirot, it's not for me to dictate to you. You have a right to your own opinion, just as I have mine.”

“You do think you know about everything," said her husband.

“People will quite often do anything for money. - Jane Marple”

“I had the firm conviction that, if I went about looking for adventure, adventure would meet me halfway. It is a theory of mine that one always gets what one wants.”

“Love can be a very frightening thing.”

“I have always noticed that these artists and writers are very unbalanced”