“In an English village, you turn over a stone and have no idea what will crawl out."

“...the real tragedy of life was that you got what you wanted...”

“There is something about the defencelessness of youth that moves me to tears. Youth is so vulnerable. It is so ruthless--so sure. So generous and so demanding.”

“Nothing, I believe, is so full of life under the microscope as a drop of water from a stagnant pool.”

“I know he'll probably always be like it, but I love him. I may be able to help him and I may not. But I'll take that risk.”

“The little grey cells, my friend, the little grey cells! They told me.”

“People in the dark are quite different, aren’t they?”

“Poison has a certain appeal … It has not the crudeness of the revolver bullet or the blunt weapon.”

“Let us think only of the good days that are to come.”

“You must always be polite to people whose position forbids them to be rude to you.”

“That's where all the trouble in life comes from. Thinking.”

“Women, however charming, have this disadvantage: they distract the mind from food!”

“always bear in mind that the person who speaks may be lying”

“In fact the marriage has been arranged by heaven and Hercule Poirot. All I have to do is to compound a felony.”

“There is, as Miss Marple would say, a lot of human nature in all of us.”

“Well, of course, it was not any of my business but you get very queer glimpses of life sometimes, and you can't help speculating about them.”

“Every murderer is probably somebody’s old friend,” observed Poirot philosophically. “You cannot mix up sentiment and reason.”

“With women, love always comes first.”

“I suppose, like most young people nowadays, boredom is what you dread most in the world, and yet, I can assure you, there are worse things.”

“Mr. Beresford put down the Daily Mail, which he was reading, and applauded with somewhat unnecessary vigour. He was politely requested by his colleague not to be an ass.”

“There's no doubt about what the man's profession has been. He's a retired hairdresser. Look at that moustache of his.”

“A man travels fastest who travels alone.”

“To see ourselves as others see us!”

“Most successes are unhappy. That's why they are successes - they have to reassure about themselves by achieving something that the world will notice.”