“Sometimes one sees things clearly years afterwards than one could possibly at the time.”

“I enrage myself with an imbecile. I say, 'I would like to kick him.' Instead I kick the table. I say, 'This table, it is the imbecile, I kick him so.”

“those who have listened do not find it easy to talk; they keep their sorrows and joys to themselves and tell no one.”

“I daresay idle tittle-tattle is very wrong and unkind, but it is so often true, isn't it.”

“If one man does not make a move, the other must, and by permitting the adversary to make the attack one learns something about him.”

“It seems odd that as far as I know nobody has yet been murdered for having too perfect a character! And yet perfection is undoubtedly an irritating thing!”

“Is death the greatest evil that can happen to anyone?”

“What are you doing, Poirot?" "I dissect rucksacks. It is very interesting.”

“Sometimes what you think is an end is only a beginning. And that wouldn't do at all.”

“Six people were thinking of Rosemary Barton who had died nearly a year ago...”

“Born poor doesn't mean you've got to stay poor. Money's queer. It goes where it's wanted.”

“There is a proverb my grandmother used to repeat: Old sins have long shadows.”

“I love autumn. It’s so much richer than spring.”

“There is the natural liar...Always says the thing that sounds best.”

“It is not the past that matters,but the future”

“I avoided my own friends and acquaintances, yet the loneliness of my existence was insupportable.”

“We think with horror now of the days when we burnt witches. I believe the day will come when we will shudder to think that we ever hanged criminals.”

“They say all the world loves a lover—apply that saying to murder and you have an even more infallible truth.”

“There is nothing more thrilling in this world, I think, than having a child that is yours, and yet is mysteriously a stranger.”

“Very unfortunately, she had no husband. She had never had a husband, and therefore did not kill a husband.”

“Oh, my dear friend, it is impossible not to give oneself away - unless one never opens one's mouth! Speech is the deadliest of revealers.”

“What can I say at seventy-five? "Thank God for my good life,and for all the love that has been given to me.”

“Mrs. Cavendish: I am charming to my friends one day, and forget all about them the next.”

“I just woke up feeling happy this morning. You know those days when everything in the world seems right.”