“To Max, a quantum state was one where gambling was licensed, and Schrödinger’s cat lived somewhere on Laurel Avenue.”

“One of three things would occur when she thumbed it, she knew: They would lift off, the ship would blow up, or nothing at all would happen.”

“For an ordinary trooper like him, ignorance was not simply an abstract value. It was in the manual. —”

“Rey scarcely glanced in the other vessel’s direction. “That one’s garbage! We need something that’ll move, not just get off the ground—if we’re lucky!”

“Biological traces are acceptable,” Hux murmured, “but a couple of skulls would be better.”

“I know how to run without you holding my hand!”

“Usually a senile old fool knows when to retire. But sometimes he simply needs to be retired.”

“You shot first.”

“Compared to what is stirring in the galaxy, you and I are little more than motes of dust.” Still,”

“No one offered to help her with the heavy load. In Niima, youth and gender were no barrier to neighborhood indifference.”

“One could get mad at one’s neighbor, competitor, or spouse as easily here as on any other settled world. It was just harder to stay quite as mad, with the sun beaming down beneficently, the beach so close, and pleasant woods and lakes beckoning at every turn as soon as one left the city behind.”

“It is pathetic, though. Is it not? You and I, both in pursuit of a ghost”

“must be done; whatever the cost, whatever the danger. Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force, and all will be given over to the dark side.” Though”

“Legend says this map is unobtainable,” Poe noted. “How’d you do it?”

“Han Solo,” came the clipped voice of the gang leader, “you are a dead man.”

“But ... this will begin to make things right.”

“Just stay calm and collected and baffle them with space dust.”

“On the other hand, Andrea had decided last month, on the occasion of her twelfth birthday and for no discernible reason (at least, none that an adult could discern), that from then on her given name would be Fitzwinkle. And then”

“Standard issue helmets are designed to filter out smoke, not toxins.”

“I’m not a hero. I’m not Resistance. I’m a stormtrooper.”

“You know what I’m talking about. Mother was monitoring his body. You were monitoring Mother.”

“Why did you let the alien survive inside Kane?’ The science officer scowled. ‘I’m not sure you’re getting through to me. Nobody “let” anything survive inside anybody. It just happened.”

“Niima: center of the galaxy, repository of manifold cultures, offering to its myriad inhabitants a never-ending succession of entertainment, education, and enjoyable distractions.”

“Awkwardly pressed up against him, the Princess seemed to take no notice of their proximity. In the dampness, though, her body heat was near palpable to Luke and he had to force himself to keep his attention on what he was doing.”