“Women always figure out the truth.”

“Women always figure out the truth.”

“Maybe one day, before the universe died, Unkar Plutt would take a bath.”

“You will leave Starkiller at once and come to me with Kylo Ren. Leave immediately.” He added grimly, “It appears that he may have been right about the girl.”

“Typical Ren, Hux thought. Self-centered, arrogant, indifferent to the interests of others.”

“If she let go or otherwise lost her grip, of course, it would solve all her problems. Permanently.”

“It is you,” Ren murmured.”

“But patience had to be learned alone.”

“He was training a new generation of Jedi. There was no one else left to do it, so he took the burden on himself. Everything was going good, until one boy, an apprentice, turned against him and destroyed it all. Everything Luke had worked toward: gone. Luke felt responsible. He walked away from everything.”

“That weapon—is mine.” Finn all but snarled his reply. “Come and get it.”

“I know what I have to do, but I don’t know if I have the strength to do it.” Ren moved out onto the walkway toward Han. “Will you help me?” “Yes,” Han told him. “Anything.”

“The trouble with computers, she thought, was that they had no intuitive senses. Only deductive ones. You had to ask the right question.”

“Nobody came to Jakku.”

“Niima was a functioning armpit of a town and nothing more, a place where no one asked questions and everyone went quietly about their own business.”

“Two surviving human beings on the entire planet, Ruslan thought, and they can’t stand each other. A fitting metaphor for the entire species.”

“Formal profile or not, of one thing he was now certain: They had badly underestimated what had seemed to be a Resistance pilot on the verge of physical and emotional collapse.”

“I’ve lived for over one thousand years, son. Long enough to see the same eyes in different people.”

“This time she was sure she managed a grin. ‘I can’t figure you, Hicks. Soldiers aren’t supposed to be optimists.’ ‘Yeah, I know. You’re not the first to point it out. I’m a freakin’ anomaly.”

“If you know less than everything, you always feel inadequate.”

“Expanding outward from the explosion, a tremendous burst of heat tore through the Hosnian system’s other worlds, searing their surfaces clean of life”

“As all foot soldiers have known for thousands of years, there’s nothing noble about dying. Only an irritating finality.”

“The Hermit of the Commonwealth. That had a solid ring to it. Stoic and aesthetic. There was only one problem with the noble life he had set out for himself. It was a terrible way to meet girls. Whoever”

“As all foot soldiers have known for thousands of years, there’s nothing noble about dying. Only an irritating finality. Once”

“remove a trigger from a gun and while the trigger itself would look decidedly unimportant, its absence would render the gun useless.”