“Unlike in simulations, reality bled.”

“was at once appalled and impressed. Personally, he could not recall having read or heard of an instance where a human economist had resolved a disagreement with a fellow academician by ripping out the other's tendons and ligaments.”

“Man and thranx had been so close for so long that they were no longer thought of as aliens. More like short people in shiny suits.”

“You know, Burke, I don’t know which species is worse. You don’t see them killing each other for a percentage.”

“There’s a Blarina merchant there named Ohn Gos who is afflicted with the sorry habit of listening sympathetically.”

“She stood and extended a hand. He glanced at it, his dark gaze rising to her face, then gratefully accepted her offer of assistance. “Follow me,” Rey said. She turned and broke into a run, the grateful Finn allowing himself to be guided.”

“Facts can be most persuasive.”

“One did not have to be trained as a pilot to infer that a dead console did not bode well for future voyaging.”

“To date, however, the boy had proved himself relentlessly ordinary.”

“Despite the difference in size between the girl and her assailants, it was looking as if she was not in need of any outside assistance.”

“Despite lack of any training with a lightsaber, Finn was athletic and courageous. In tandem with such traits, the saber made him a formidable fighter.”

“was certain: His former colleagues would not understand, no matter how hard he tried to explain. No one fled the First Order and lived. The sand sucked at his feet as he stumbled toward the rising smoke. “Poe! Say something if you can hear me! Poe!” He did not expect a response, but he hoped for one. Flame had joined smoke”

“Poe readied himself. "The Resistance will not be intimidated by you."

“A few, less constrained by pride and more resilient, survived and had children. Their offspring grew up with no illusions about the supremacy of humankind or anykind. They matured and observed the world around them through different eyes. Roll the log. Give and take. Bend with the wind. Adapt, adapt, adapt …!”

“The two stormtroopers might not have been tactically sophisticated, but they had been good shots.”

“he had never killed anyone before. He still felt the same. The pistol had done the killing, not him. The man had set if off himself, as a consequence of his own idiotic actions.”

“You may not believe it, but there are some people out there who don’t like me.” “Hard to imagine,” she murmured.”

“I never answer that question until after I’ve done it.”

“Eying him, Finn felt he knew the type if not the man. His only fear then was that the man might shoot first and ask questions later. Thankfully, he did not.”

“Probably, an increasingly desperate Bala-Tik thought as he let off yet another ineffectual blast, Solo had done it by talking all of them into a state of complete insensibility.”

“In his mildly stoned stupor he forgot that hubris is more deadly than any weapon.”

“In loquaciousness lay insanity.”

“With regret, he realized that despite his intensive studies there was still much about this world and its dominant Larian society that he did not know. And of course he had not been able to bring with him anything of an advanced nature, like a vorec, which would have allowed him to look up the answers to such questions.”

“For an ordinary trooper like him, ignorance was not simply an abstract value. It was in the manual.”