“To be angered by evil is to partake of it, stupid. - Phrases of Import and Salvation, Chapter IX, The Book of Universal Truths and Other Humorous Anecdotes”

“You stink of humanity,' he murmured, 'but I'll love you just the same.”

“Curiosity, after all, was what had driven mankind out from his isolated, unimportant world and across the gulf between the stars. It had also, he thoughtfully reminded himself, killed the figurative cat.”

“Acknowledge beauty when you see it. Even if its appearance disturbs you, surely you can admire the skill that went into its design.”

“Rule makers always draw up their precious rules and regulations in safety and comfort, not out in the field, where those same absolutes are supposed to be applied. At those times we have to rely on our own minds and feelings.”

“But then, to those behind the First Order, sowing fear and terror was merely politics by another means.”

“I haven’t got time to explain it to you, kid, but—that’s not how the Force works.”

“There was a freshness about her that the surrounding harsh landscape had failed to eliminate”

“The Supreme Leader’s voice was flat. “You have compassion for her.” “No—never. Compassion? For an enemy of the Order?” “I perceive the problem,” Snoke intoned. “It isn’t her strength that is making you fail. It’s your weakness.” The rebuke hurt, but Ren didn’t show it.”

“Death displays nothing if not variety in its methods, which are often surprising and sometimes amusing.”

“There are even a handful who like to collect biological specimens. Those with money collect live ones. Those without money become scientists.”

“Hux refused to pace, regarding it as a waste of energy.”

“Luke Skywalker has vanished. In his absence, the sinister FIRST ORDER has risen from the ashes of the Empire and will not rest until Skywalker, the last Jedi, has been destroyed.”

“No one understands the lonely perfection of my dreams.”

“A star has died. Elsewhere in the cosmos, in an unremarkable corner of one galactic arm, a child was born. Such is the balance of existence.”

“Yes, there's a lot of sand here. Beebee-Ate? Okay. Hello, Beebee-Ate. My name is Rey. No, just Rey.”

“A man with a gun may hunt a tiger during the day with some expectation of success. Turn out his light, put the man in the jungle at night, surround him with the unknown and all his primitive fears return. Advantage to the tiger.”

“Revenge is little more than an adolescent concession to personal vanity.”

“I’m not afraid of the dark I know. It’s the dark I don’t that terrifies me.”

“Without the Jedi, there can be no balance in the Force, and all will be given over to the dark side.”

“A little bit of everything you admire eventually rubs off on you.”

“The trooper spoke while staring nervously down the corridor. “Because it’s the right thing to do.” Poe shook his head, not buying it for a second. “Buddy, if we’re gonna do this, we have to be honest with each other.” The trooper stared at him for a long moment. “I need a pilot.”

“Oh really? You’re cold?”

“Hearing his howls of outrage, a pair of stormtroopers crossing at the far end of the access hallway changed course to investigate. What they saw within the cell as bits and pieces of red-hot debris came flying out caused them to retreat the way they had come—fast.”