“meal was sensitized: any nonprogrammed disruption”

“Not the Force, but a more ancient, more highly developed sense in man half convinced him they were being watched.”

“Light enters through the window and opacity is vanished!” exclaimed the alien.”

“The Millennium Falcon.” She could not keep the wonder out of her voice. “This is the ship that made the Kessel Run in fourteen parsecs.” “Twelve parsecs.”

“Time passes. Horror does not. *”

“I’m not afraid of the dark I know. It’s the dark I don’t that terrifies me. Especially when it’s filled with noises like that distress call.”

“Compared to what is stirring in the galaxy, you and I are little more than motes of dust.”

“Plutt wants droid. We take droid. Female don’t interfere.”

“And since he’s written 126 novels and counting, I think that we can safely say Mr. Foster is one hell of an entertainer.”

“Get away from her, you!”

“Much easier it was to follow orders than to think for oneself.”

“The expression on her face was one the trooper would never forget: it was the look of someone still alive who realizes she's already dead”

“Unlike in simulations, reality bled”

“For an ordinary man, yes" she had replied. "But we're not trying to find an ordinary man. We're looking for Luke Skywalker”

“Crazy thing is, it’s all real. The Jedi, the Force—it’s true. All true.”

“It illuminated a vision Dante could not have imagined in his wildest nightmares, nor Poe in the grasp of an uncontrollable delirium.”

“I got a bad feeling about this.” —”

“She had seen this man before, in a daydream. In a nightmare.”

“Those who had led the rebellion had under-estimated the deeply buried desire of far too large a proportion of the population who simply preferred to be told what to do. Much easier it was to follow orders than to think for oneself.”

“I will remove these restraints. And leave this cell, with the door open, and retire to my living quarters. I will speak of this encounter to no one.”

“Crazy thing is, it’s all real. The Jedi, the Force – it’s true. All true.”

“He did not put his feelings down to simple xenophobia. Basically, he hadn’t expected the alien to be so completely alien.”

“I do not 'gallivant,'" Truzenzuzex commented primly. "I plan in haste.”

“You always think you can make it up to somebody—later, you know.’ She took a deep breath. ‘But now I never can. I never can.”