I majored in sports management, and then I went to law school for sports law.

So my go-tos are bodysuits, crop tops, I like to wear a cute little crop top, but then maybe a jazzy pant. I wear a lot of pants.

My social media, I think I had 700 followers before, now it's like 800,000.

When I was approached to be the 'Bachelorette,' I was like, 'Uh, no. I don't think I can do this again.' It was conversations that I had with people that said, 'I'm so happy to see a Black woman represented well in a franchise, or 'I'm watching this show again because you did it,' that renewed my wanting to be part of this franchise.

I've learned that I'm a much more traditional bride than I like to admit. Even from the invitations by Ceci New York with the script font. My dress is very traditional, even though it's a little risque.

I'm a black woman and I'm so happy to represent myself in that respect, but I don't want it to be something that defines me and my journey for love. I definitely don't mind talking about it and addressing it.

I started off as a prosecutor and I would be sitting there, waiting for the defense attorney to come, and they would either bypass me because they would assume that I'm not the attorney or they would assume that I was the legal secretary or a paralegal - never the attorney.

I don't want to critique an apology. An apology is an apology.

My dad is now a federal judge, but when he started off, he graduated from the top law school in Texas and couldn't get a job.

I mean, I'm an eye-roller by nature.

You know, I really don't have a specific race that I go towards or that I typically date.

The Trumps were elected because of or in spite of their wealth - depending on how you feel about the First Family. They never misrepresented themselves. They have always been honest about who they are.

Whether they 'lean into' career, family, or both, let's not underestimate the wisdom of women to define happiness and success for themselves.

What women really want is opportunity and the freedom to love and accept all aspects of womanhood - the intellectual, spiritual, professional, biological and relational dimensions of who we are.

Immigrants and refugees who have escaped the corrupt, dysfunctional, crime-ridden, socialist and communist regimes of Latin America are precisely the kind of hard-working and grateful people we should be welcoming to the U.S.

I make no apologies for not being very outdoorsy and for not really enjoying the cold.

How many times have you wanted to make a chocolate cake from scratch or prove you can make a flakey crust as good as your grandmother's....but you just don't have the time! A snow day is the perfect day to enlist the kids with no time pressure, or worse, dinner guests to impress.

All kids love to color - even the older ones, and it can be a very relaxing activity for everyone.

You don't have to choose between June Cleaver or Barbara Walters. There are miles of space between them.

My kids love old Hollywood movies and look forward to watching the Charlton Heston classic, 'The Ten Commandments,' every year. The retro special effects and over-acting are fun to watch and the story is a great reminder of our Jewish roots in the Passover meal.

For practicing Christians, Easter Sunday and the Holy week that precedes it are the apex of our faith. Without the resurrection of Christ there is no Christianity.

Like Christmas, Easter has lost much of its religious meaning in popular culture. Ask your average kid what the holiday is about and they will tell you all about the Easter Bunny, eggs hunts and baskets full of candy.

My poor kids have accepted that being dropped off late to birthday parties, practices, and yes, school, is just part of the large family package.

During the weeks before Christmas, though it's not always possible, we make an effort to keep the kids away from shopping malls and stores. We also deliberately choose cards and decorations that have religious significance.