We didn't plan one of my kids; they just kind of happened. So I've just kind of taken each one as a blessing sent to me by God.

A strong, durable Puerto Rican economy will leave the island better prepared to handle future natural disasters.

Before I had my first child, I thought women had to decide between being a mom and a fulfilling, successful professional life. I was wrong. Very wrong.

On the weekends, it's much more relaxed. I enjoy cooking, so on Saturdays I make a big breakfast of eggs or pancakes, and sausage. Sean makes a mean cup of coffee. We read or put on music and watch the kids dance. We really enjoy hanging out together as a family.

I have made a choice to fully enjoy my kids and this particular season of my life. It's a very conscious, powerful decision. In some ways, it takes more guts to buck the financial rewards and adulation that come from a professional career to pursue something so culturally undervalued as at-home motherhood.

Because a lot of people really associate liberalism and Democrats with tolerance, and I found it to be quite the opposite. They're tolerant as long as you agree with them! I felt like not only was I tolerant, I was curious and open-minded.

Sometimes well-intentioned programs can lead to dependency and cause us to forget we have what it takes to attain the American dream.

It's so fun for kids to dye eggs. But on Holy Thursday, we make a special batch of dyed eggs. Instead of pastel, the eggs we dye on Holy Thursday are dyed only red to symbolize the blood of Jesus.

Indeed the Obamas, the Clintons, and many other elites who oppose school choice and make it harder for charter schools to operate, send their own children to private institutions that cost more than many Hispanic families make in a year.

If you were to ask me what the No. 1 lesson I learned from being on 'The Real World', and I challenge you to go back to the episodes and you will see that I'm right: I learned the myth of liberal tolerance.

Competition works. Ask any parent if their child will run faster from the house to the mailbox if he runs by himself or if he races to the mailbox with his sister. It's a no brainer.

Socialism is the antithesis of opportunity and it's time to reject this failed and dangerous idea once and for all.

When I was a young co-ed at Arizona State University, my sister was the president of the College Republicans. I was her secretary.

We know that the enemy of upward mobility is not poverty or even other people's success. The enemy of upward mobility is apathy and an educational system that offers choice to the privileged and traps the most vulnerable in unsafe and poor performing schools.

Over the years I have heard all the psychological analysis which says that habitually tardy people are narcissists and I don't buy it. I'm late because I am always trying to do one more thing for my family before I leave the door.

Words don't define me. Actions, my faith, and the strength of my relationships and family do.

I still remember how me and my husband spent 30 minutes trying to convince our then 10 and 12 year old son and daughter that they really would love this black and white movie called, 'It's a Wonderful Life'.

By granting 4 million undocumented immigrants social security numbers that can potentially be misused through loopholes in our tax code and voting laws, President Obama is poisoning the waters of public perception and reinforcing negative stereotypes of Latinos and all immigrants.

Nothing is more infuriating to me than the way the media and political parties conflate Hispanic-Americans and illegal immigrants. We are not one and the same, and our interests and priorities are often very different.

When candidate Donald Trump ran for the highest office in the land, he promised to fight for forgotten Americans. In the presidential election of 2016, the forgotten Americans of the Upper Midwest and the coal country of Kentucky and West Virginia, many of them life-long Democrats, delivered a decisive win for this first-time Republican candidate.

Life is tougher for Americans - especially for those who voted by the highest percentages for President Obama's promise of hope and change.

Well, if you are planning a Caribbean vacation, you can start by booking it to this warm and friendly island paradise as soon as it is ready to receive tourists. As a U.S. territory, your trip to Puerto Rico doesn't require a passport or currency exchange.

Indeed, one of the least-talked-about dangers of our ever-expanding entitlement culture is that it threatens the viability of these necessary programs for those who genuinely need and use them as a bridge to a better life.

Work is at the heart of human dignity.