Hispanics don't want more programs to make them comfortable in their poverty. What Hispanics really want is more opportunity: the freedom to work, leave poverty behind, and rise into the ranks of the middle class and beyond.

We heat our home with wood so the fireplace is always going and it's pretty cozy in here, which is good because we have long winters in Wisconsin.

The tropical island of Puerto Rico couldn't be more different than America's rust belt or the mountains of Appalachia, but here too live Americans who feel forgotten by our leaders and left behind by our economy.

Charter schools in particular have proven a lifeline for millions of children stuck in chronically failing schools.

Pursue your dreams, but don't be afraid to slow down or jump off the train when your heart calls you to tend to things that last - love, marriage, babies, and happy kids. You can always jump back on the train. It's your journey.

My dad, grew up poor in a copper-mining town in Arizona. The eleventh of 15 children, he learned to be resourceful and entrepreneurial at a young age, shining shoes at local bars and starting his own pinata business at the tender age of twelve.

Feminism should be about liberating women, all women, even Republican women, to be their true selves.

When my Mexican-born grandfather, Rafael, immigrated to work in the mines of the American Southwest, where he eventually settled with his young bride to raise 15 kids, he did it to give his children a better life.

In fact, there is an academic blackout about the atrocities perpetrated in the name of communism and socialism.

You know the adage, when you want something done, ask a busy person. It's so true. Having kids taught me to prioritize, delegate, and accept life's imperfections. I also learned the all-important skill of jumping off the train: taking breaks in career and passion pursuits to tend to the things that last.

Instead of getting swept up in a whirlwind of banal 'holiday' parties, useless gift exchanges and harried shopping, my family tries hard to use the weeks of Advent to prepare our hearts and home in meaningful ways for the Prince of Peace.

Consumerism is the reason Christmas has morphed into a hollow shopping ritual that leaves too many families with debt hangovers and an empty feeling inside.

Socialism means government dependency, rationed resources, and exorbitant taxation. It means the destruction of every incentive to achieve.

The best phase for an actor is when he or she gets to choose what they want to play. Sometimes you do a film because the unit is good, the company is fantastic, and the intention is well placed.

It doesn't matter if you're a star or not; what is important is that you do your job with absolute honesty.

The more the audience and the society trusts an actor, the more the responsibility increases for the actor.

I enjoy acting and just love to do my roles - big or small.

I never thought that a time would come that someone will write a story keeping me in mind, or a producer will invest crores of rupees on a film that I will carry on my shoulders.

I find it very funny as well as touching that people associate me with these characters I play and form a connect with them.

I am all about learning something new and improving my work.

If something sounds good, and I get a good feeling about it, I'll take it, irrespective of the fee being offered to me.

I choose films based on scripts.

The place where I hail from - a village in Gopalganj in North Bihar - people only know two professions: an engineer or a doctor.

When you don't feel good about a film after taking it up, spending 10-15 days on the shoot sets becomes difficult.