I used to do comedy during my theatre days, and I was good at that.

I am playing a principal who also teaches maths in a government school in 'Nil Battey Sannata,' the story of which is based in Agra. He is a simple common man and a very interesting human being. His character will get the audience in splits.

I come from a very common family background in a small village, and getting an opportunity from home state to represent the state for an important and sensitive work is an honour for me and my family.

I just need good scripts, good films, and I am glad I am doing them.

I am a Sufi guy, so fame is maya for me, a worldly illusion.

I won't lose my mind now that I have fame, nor will I lose myself once it goes away.

As a person, I am still grounded and humble.

I live in the present.

After some time, there will be another Pankaj Tripathi.

Comedy is important, and I do not want to end up being recognised for just one genre.

The audience in the country has evolved, and for them, it is about real characters.

The court dramas shown in films and TV are often superficial. They should have a gripping storyline, which can keep the audience hooked.

When people love your work, your responsibilities grow.

Janhvi is a very sincere actress. She respects me a lot, and I, too, respect her for the sincerity and commitment towards her work.

I tend to read a lot of books and believe in a certain ideology.

I believe that only a well-read, well-aware individual can make a great leader and build a progressive nation.

I will make a conscious effort to pick up roles which give a social message besides being entertaining.

Though I have been acclaimed for 'Newton,' but my personally favourite is 'Gurgaon.'

The National Award is a matter of pride for me, and it has also increased my responsibilities towards the country.

Earlier, I used to take up any role that came my way. But now I feel that I should take time and consider the role before taking it up.

I am an aware citizen, so I want my characters to be aware, too. They should be aware of what's happening in the society and make a commentary. They're not in a la la land.

Art makes you a better human being, and that reflects in society.

If every individual starts listening to poetry, watch plays, and see paintings, they'll become a better human.

I never imagined I would be in colourful costumes and dance!