I've done things in the media I was not only not proud of, I was ashamed of.

That's exactly what Octomom is: a carnival attraction.

I am not a victim. I do not blame anyone for the circumstances of my life.

I have been compelled to dig deep inside and pull out strengths I never knew I possessed in order to protect my family.

I was very unconditionally loved and accepted, I felt, by my father.

My mom, we had a relationship. I knew she loved me. I always knew she loved me. But she didn't, openly or overtly, express, you know, affection and love.

Everything I do revolves around my children.

I personally do not believe I'm irresponsible.

I look back in retrospect, and I would never say I regret not one of my children. They are why I live.

Every single thing I do... is just me surviving.

I am hated in my hometown.

Kids love you unconditionally.

Is it fair to have a bunch of kids help solve your emotional issues? Of course not.

I am happiest at home with the kids.

My calling was to be a mom.

Struggle is the best teacher.

I have embraced every day with gratitude.

I never coined the term 'Octomom.'

I screwed up my life. I screwed up my kids' lives.

Everything a parent chooses to do in their life will forever haunt their kids.

I never wanted this... to be in the public eye.

There's probably one man out of 6.6 million in the world for me.

I learn more from my kids then I have any professor in all my life.

I love my children.