I never set out to become an 'octomom.'

I am providing for my children. I am.

I believe that God will provide in his own way.

I couldn't even fathom the idea of having my own children out in the world and not know them.

You can't go back and alter the past.

I left 'Octomom.' I went back to my life as a counselor.

The ultimate lesson from my entire experience is you cannot prejudge human beings. You just can't. I don't care who they are, what their behavior, or what you've heard about. You have to be able to meet the person and talk with them, and even then, that's not even enough to prejudge them.

I take accountability for being dumb and irresponsible.

I'm the kind of person who can be with a man for years and never touch him. My mind is not wired that way.

I worked with sociopaths and psychopaths in a mental hospital, and in my opinion, Casey Anthony is not emotionally stable.

I would die for my kids. I love my kids - they're my life - and I love them more than anything I've ever known.

If you set a goal, you can achieve anything.

The whole family, we are all kind of different.

I believe most media is filtered and fake.

Whenever I hear a baby cry, I cringe.

I have 14 children!

My back is broken because of the last pregnancy.

The first human I ever said 'I love you' to was my oldest son.

I've always engaged in open, honest communication. There's no topic that can't be discussed.

Some of the things I have done... of course I'm ashamed of in the past... was just to put food on the table and just take care of my family.

My form of therapy and survival has been exercise.

I was pretending to be a fake, a caricature, which is something I'm not, and I was doing it out of desperation and scarcity so I could provide for my family.

The only way I can cope is to lock myself in the bathroom and cry. Sometimes I sit there for hours and even eat my lunch sitting on the toilet floor. Anything to get peace and quiet.

I've got good genes, and my body just always seems to bounce back after my pregnancies.