I'm a confession that is waiting to be heard

There's nothing like the feeling of knowing that you've made a difference in someone's life, even if that difference is a lifetime of nightmares and a fortune in therapy bills.

Your beautiful don't let anyone tell you different

I never said to be like me, I say to be like you and make a difference.

But what's real? You can't find the truth, you just pick the lie you like the best.

The imagination is precious. Don't lose it. Don't lose the child in you.

I have assumed the role of Antichrist; I am the Nineties voice of individuality and people tend to associate anyone who looks and behaves differently with illegal or immoral activity...

Art is a big question mark.

This is the culture your raising your kids in, don't be suprised when it blows up in your face.

If every cigarette you smoke takes seven minutes off of your life, every game of Dungeons & Dragons you play delays the loss of your virginity by seven hours.

People are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves that we've got sitcoms with canned laughter that let's you know when to laugh if you're to stupid to know when the joke is.

This question is posed to mayself, am I a man who thinks he's an angel? Or an angel who thinks he's a man?

I was becoming the cold, emotionally crippled monster I always wanted to be, and I wasn’t so sure I liked it. But it was too late. The metamorphosis was already well under way.

A lot of people don't want to make their own decisions. They're too scared. It's much easier to be told what to do.

If you intend to create something that people will observe and listen to, you've got to listen to them first.

Paintings are seldom guilty and often framed for crimes they did not commit. Some cover holes-holes in walls, holes in lives. Some make holes-in wallets, holes in hearts...in negative space.

That becomes the revolution, to be idealistic enough that you think you can change the world, and what you find is you can't change anything but yourself.

Hopefully, I'll be remembered as the person who brought an end to Christianity.

The aspiration to save the world is a morbid phenomenon of today's youth.

I fall in love with everything I also hate everything. It’s very hard to be a misanthrope and a romantic.

But what's real? You can't find the truth. You just pick the lie you like best. As long as you know that everything's a lie, you can't hurt yourself.

I've seen my own death in dreams like this and it's helped me appreciate life more. I've also seen my own life in dreams and it's helped me appreciate death more.

In the end we're all Springer guests, really, we just haven't been on the show.

The crack inside your fucking heart is me.