I never said to be like me, I say be yourself and make a difference.

If you want to find out who your real friends are, sink the ship. The first ones to jump aren't your friends.

Music is the strongest form of magic.

I don't have anything to hide.

I read the note and it did not please me and I threw it away, so not even time could find it.

You're not fooling anyone by taking your clothes off when you go to bed.

Let us pretend that my mind is a taxi... and suddenly you are riding in it.

Now it was close to sunset and the earth was beginning to cool off in the manner of eternity and office girls were returning like penguins from Montgomery Street.

It's pretty hard to have faith when everybody is trying to lock you up.

I always wanted to write a book that ended with the word Mayonnaise.

THE NECESSITY OF APPEARING IN YOUR OWN FACE There are days when that is the last place in the world that you want to be but you have to be there, like a movie, because it -----features you.

By the way, Doc Edwards said. How's that book coming along? Oh, it's coming along. Fine. What's it about? Just what I'm writing down: one word after another. Good.

Moonlight drifts from over A hundred thousand miles To fall upon a cemetery It reads a hundred epitaphs And then smiles at a nest of Baby owls

I guess some people lived like Reader's Digest, but I hadn't met any and at that time it seemed doubtful that I ever would

One spring afternoon as a child in the strange town of Portland, I walked down to a different street corner, and saw a row of old houses, huddled together like seals on a rock.

There wasn't a single thing in there that reminded me of my existence.

When he said this, it was not a form of criticism. It was just a simple observation that led to another bite from the movie on his plate called The Old Man and the Stew.

He looked as if he'd got a lot of pleasure out of going ten rounds with your grandmother and making sure she went the whole distance.

Thousands of graveyards were parked in rows like cars.


The old drunk told me about trout fishing. When he could talk, he had a way of describing trout as if they were a precious and intelligent metal.

In Watermelon Sugar deeds were done

The only thing he likes better than a nice juicy homicide is a sirloin steak smothered with onions.

The flies were teaching an advanced seminar in philosophy as they crawled up the crack of my ass