Let him be wise, or let me be blind; don't let me, she hoped concretely, don't let me know too surely what he thinks of me.

Why do people want to talk to each other? I mean, what are the things people always want to find out about other people?

I turned down a scholarship to Yale. The problem with college is that there's a tendency to mistake preparation for productivity. You can prepare all you want, but if you never roll the dice you'll never be successful.

They're very, uh, you know, I don't come from the suburbs and a jolly, Disney type of lifestyle. I come from something totally different. And they're cool and bare minimum so it's not always a money issue for me.

I don't even really know what it is I do for a living - the level of insecurity is very, very high. You're making a lot of money, getting a lot of accolades and positive criticism for something where you don't even know what you're doing.

I have a very nappy, curly head.

I am trying to impress myself. I have yet to do it.

I'm just selfish. I have to be for what I do.

Probably the sexiest woman I know is my mother.

I don't have to live this lavish lifestyle.

And I'm not a personality; otherwise I'd be coming out with an album, performing on MTV. All that stuff is possible and I can do that tomorrow. I just have no need.

Old Americana vintage gangster stuff has a fantastical feel; it feels less dirty in a way. It feels like the opera of crime.

I have a hard time with free time.

If I had more recreation time I would be able to step back and reflect on how life has changed. But it has been like a constant... boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

I'm a little territorial and defensive. I don't like having my space invaded.

I was the only white kid in my neighborhood for most of my youth even in high school, so reverse racism was just as apparent as racism.

My dad is a motorcycle guy, not some Hollywood dude.

I grew up around a lot of aggressive guys. My parents used to take me to AA meetings when I was very young. So I know aggression, I know insanity.

I like the dark, mysterious, maybe even gothic type girls. They have to have a good personality too! I'm very picky!

You can't buy back your respect; you can't buy back your career. You only get one, so I don't want to mess that up.

Clubs are so lame. Nobody even dances at these clubs. They stand around and get drunk and they schmooze. There is no enjoyment factor.

I'm a little territorial and defensive.

I come from garbage.

There's something about studying body language and non-spoken emotion - I know the innate response. But to really study it like a science would be fun.