I'm realising now that I can't just blurt things out.

If I have to be focused and watch what I say, then I have to be comfortable.

I've had paranoid panic attacks.

The world is still very bigoted.

A lot of children don't find forever homes because they're on that special-needs list, even if it's because of something as simple as her mother smoked cigarettes for a month, not knowing she was pregnant.

It's lame to say that I'm a normal girl, but I think I am.

I don't have a lot of discipline.

If I wasn't in this industry, I wouldn't work out.

I pride myself on being kind.

I'm not terribly sentimental.

I have my moments, but generally speaking I shy away from being too lovey dovey.

My sister is Korean and my parents adopted her about three years before I was born and that is how I grew up.

I want my family to resemble the family I came from.

I am a better mother for having something in my life and not just my children.

I just ultimately wanted to be a mother. I love children.

Hollywood likes to label everyone so you're easier to identify.

Hic Rhodus, hic salta! Here is the rose, here dance!

I'm an actress, I live in L.A., I work in Hollywood. But I've learned that if you're too skinny, they'll say something about it. If you're not skinny enough, they'll say something about it. I just try to feel good in my own skin as much as I can.

For the most part, yeah, I'm happy with my body, but there are days when I'm like, 'Ugh! Really? Why is it so hard to fit into my jeans?' That's when I say to myself, 'I look this way because I'm supposed to. If we all looked the same, we'd be boring.'

I never really thought about being a role model. I started really young, so at 10 years old, I was still very much the person who needed role models. I wasn't really prepared to be one, but it's always something that I've taken very seriously.

I'm not a person who naturally loves to wake up in the morning and go 'Yeah, I'm going to work out for five hours - wooh!' Like, that's not my thing. I'm from Texas. I like to eat carbs. I like to chill out with my friends and do anything but 150 push-ups and sit-ups.

I've literally, in my entire life I've had two guys come up to me and ask me out. Other than that I have had to go and try to like spend time with them, or sort of start the conversation, basically like spell it out in a Sharpie, like, you know?

I'd never watch a horror film, but after I found out I was going to be in one, I watched, like, four of them, including The Shining, I was terrified - I couldn't sleep for days. But I wanted to get myself used to things I was going to see on the set.

I like cats. I used to have a lot of cats, but I don't anymore, now I just have a dog. It does take a certain temperament to have a cat, as they do have certain personalities.