I need, absolutely, to be alone.

I think more and more people want to live alone. You can be a couple without being in each other's pockets. I don't see why you have to share the same bathroom.

You should not separate your life from what you do.

Some people are addicts. If they don't act, they don't exist.

I don't think success is harmful, as so many people say. Rather, I believe it indispensable to talent, if for nothing else than to increase the talent.

I am a woman with absolutely no sense of nostalgia.

Making films is no longer a way of acting, it is a way of life.

My life is very exciting now.

My life is very exciting now.

The life you had is nothing. It is the life you have that is important.

Living is risking.

Nostalgia is when you want things to stay the same. I know so many people staying in the same place.

If you're extremely, painfully frightened of age, it shows.

I've never worried about age.

Life doesn't end at 30.

During rehearsals I am confronted by things very mysterious. I have terrific fights with inner demons, and it's more painful than it ever was.

I have no doubt who I am.

It's like climbing a staircase. I'm on the top of the staircase, I look behind me and I see the steps. That's where I was.

Death is an absolute mystery. We are all vulnerable to it, it's what makes life interesting and suspenseful.

To me age is a number, just a number. Who cares?

To go out with the setting sun on an empty beach is to truly embrace your solitude.

Age does not protect you from love. But love to some extent, protects you from age.

Gambling is only the resource of those who do not know what to do with themselves

It is easier to conquer than to administer. With enough leverage, a finger could overturn the world; but to support the world, one must have the shoulders of Hercules.