I just think technology is pretty amazing. Like all things that are great, you have to be responsible about how much you use it.

It's very difficult to pretend you're throwing a car.

I think it's always a good time to be in a political film in America because there's so much material for comedy.

Our kids will never have to remember things, because it's all in pictures. Want to remember your fourth birthday? There'll be video of it on your phone.

I'd much rather have the freedom, and the obligation to use it responsibly, than be put in a box.

It's not new: In the '70s, Archie Bunker said terrible things on 'All in the Family,' but it was all in Carroll O'Connor's performance. You saw lack of intelligence, and you laughed.

My mother is British; she's from Shrewsbury. She turned me onto 'Monty Python' very early.

I'm not a big, huge star, and so when people see me, it's usually to talk about something I've done, and that's a great conversation to have. That's what we're doing it for.

I did a good bit of episodic television directing, but directing a movie is so much more complicated.

I like to give my daughter some rope and let her make her own decisions.

If you laugh, we just do another take. Laughter is too rare nowadays. If you can bust a gut, let it go, and we'll just go back to one.

If you make a mistake, people are going to know about it really fast - and I was making a ton of them when I was a kid.

I think NBC got a little reluctant to get behind single-camera shows after 'Scrubs' didn't do what they thought it was going to do following 'Friends.'

I think you get the parts that people are comfortable with seeing you play.

I'm a pretty normal guy. I'm really good at knowing how a normal guy would react in situations.

That's kind of the fun part about acting. We do get the right to kind of get from A to Z any way we want, as long as we start at A and end at Z.

You hit those valleys sometimes and it's really frustrating. It's like getting stuck in traffic on the freeway. But there's not much you can do about it.

Actors are sellers, and I figured out a long time ago that if you wanted to work a lot, you had to be on the buying side.

I don't want to be obnoxious with my ambition or sound like I expect any sort of entitlement here. Hollywood is not in the business of humoring people.

I haven't met a lot of 'Hogan Family' fans.

My upbringing as a child was very atypical.

Directing films is incredibly exciting to me.

To have the privileged position of being the guy who is responsible for shaping the entire experience for an audience as opposed to being just one instrument in that orchestra, being an actor, it's all-encompassing.

Pre-production and post-production is something that I've never been exposed to. I was pleasantly surprised that you could accomplish a lot during pre-production.